Chapter 5 The Plans of Lillie

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After a few days of arguing and debating the alpha Owen decided to make an agreement and pack with Lillie
"Ahh, glad to see you decided to ask for my alliance with you and visa versa."
She replied with a grin on her face as she was currently chilling in the living room watching some kind of attempt at amusing people a puppet show and board games per say. A redhead taller than herself named Ashely hung off of her shoulder laughing at a joke she had just told.
"Ashely, what are you doing to Miss Thorn?"
"Haha, ohh, gosh you have to hear this joke."
She said while wiping her eyes of tears from laughter
"Alright? Tell me it."
"Knock, knock."
"Who's there?"
"Pasta who?"
Owens face began to have an irritated look on it.
"It's pasta your bedtime."
Lillie said with a grin
(Joke courtesy of moi with my corny pasta puns)
"That, is the worst joke I have ever heard."
"No, your just jealous because you didn't come up with it first Owen."
His voice came out in a warning tone.
"Ohh come on it was pretty damn good."
She said while rolling her eyes and gave a small kiss to Lillies cheek.
"Don't listen to him it was good dove."
She said with a grin
"Ashely a word."
Owens voice came out in a short tone
"Ohh relax she was just being friendly that's a greeting overseas might I add."
Lillie called out after the retreating figures.
"He always like this?"
"Pretty much to anybody new that he doesn't trust."
A pack member called out with a restrained laugh as they put their finger to their lips pointing to the door. Lillie began to listen in on what was being said behind the closed door.
"Do you have any idea what kind of trouble you can be getting yourself in with her Ashely?!"
"Ohh relax Owen, she doesn't mean any harm and I no your not homophobic Owen."
She said as some kind of fluttering was heard.
"Wh-what h-how did you get that?!"
He seethed out.
"Doesn't matter how, look you put up this tough guy front trying to protect us all but if she honestly was a threat to us do you think she wouldn't have already tried to kill us?"
"She could just be trying to gain your trust then turn it against us."
He spoke out softly.
"She isn't like that, you can see it, I can see it. We all can see it. She may test your limits and irritate you beyond belief, but she isn't just going to kill us in our sleep. She has more class than that, for heavens sake, she just barely is speaking proper English she has slip ups all the time into different languages and dialects that I your language expert hasn't even heard before I asked her about it she answered without hesitation and complete honesty she scented of nothing dishonest whatsoever that we asked her not even if she liked the food we served. Her answer to the languages was they were probably not used anymore and only a few would still know of it because they were either ancient fox shifters around her age or from a cultural background still in practice of it by which she highly doubted since they were languages from almost two million years ago. She said her moms told her of such languages and taught her as well. Even making their own up! Guess what language that was?"
"What Ashely, what language was that Spanish?"
"No, the root of them all, Latin."
"What?! That's not plausible." He growled out. "Language wasn't that close to home according to research at that point in time." At that point Lille was getting bored and had stopped listening in on what they were saying.
"Pfft, your alpha really doesn't trust me."
Lillie said in a bit of an amused tone
"He doesn't trust much after such trust was broken awhile back."
"Ahh, I see, I understand."
She said with a smile splayed upon her lips.
"I understand."
She spoke softly with a soft humm.
"Ohh, so I know the earth and certain continents have shifted so how far is Antarctica from here?"
She inquired with a smile splayed on her lips
"It's, 15,511 kilometers. Why?"
"Ohh, I just need to go up there and check on a few things is all. See if I can't find some old friends of my moms. Well rather see if they are even around still." She muttered out under her breath with a crinkle of her nose at a sour thought.
"Err, how old are these supposed friends of yours?" One of Owens pack members asked.
"If still alive, ohh I'd say around.... as old as time. So no real age. Let's see their names translated from fox, to Latin, to English... Radine meant siren and Riva was shore. Lovely how those two names fit together correct? A siren whom resides in the sea and the shore where the waves crash down on the sand?" She said with a mirthful smile.
"Mmm, so far to my destination... I'm not sure I have enough energy to transport myself and Dayke there..."
"What are you talking about to transport?"
"Mmm, just teleportation nothing new. Yeah, I don't have enough energy for that, but I don't think Owen will protest too much to me leaving Dayke here, what do you think?"
"Perhaps not?"
"It's settled then. If Dayke asks, ill find him in a bit." On that note she began to transport to her next location

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