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This is my first Hotgomery (:
Ship: Hotgomery (Billie Dean Howard & Nora Montgomery)
POV: Nora Montgomery
Smut: No
There I was, standing outside of my home. My beautiful custom made home. It was a beautiful breezy day in Los Angeles.

I walked inside and it's empty

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I walked inside and it's empty. There is no sign of life. I caught a whiff of a faint cigar smell. I looked around and see the dust glinting in the sunlight by the windows. My heels clicked through the house and into the kitchen. There, a woman sat. She was smoking and flipping the pages of some dusty book. She seemed very concentrated. When I walked to the stair case, she spoke.

"Hello." She said. Her voice was very smooth."I am Billie Dean Howard, paranormal specialist and medium."

"Hello.... I am uh Nora Montgomery. Wife of Charles Montgomery." I said nervously. What does 'paranormal specialist and medium' mean?

"Wow. You are the original owner of this very house." She said squinting her eyes and looking very interested. How did she not know she was in one of Los Angeles's most famous homes?

"Yes. I am." I said with my arms crossed. "Why are you in my house?" I asked, starting to get a little annoyed.

"I'm here to study the spirits in this house. Do you know you're condition?"

What does that even mean? I cannot comprehend this. "What?"

".. Nora, you're a spirit. You're dead." She said to me. My heart skipped a beat and I gasped. "No, it can't be. What about Charles?! What about Thaddeus?! Did I leave them?"

"I'm sorry to tell you, but they're also gone. Do you know how passed?" She asked me.

"No." I said sternly.

"Touch the back of your head please."

I crept my fingers to the back of my curly hair. I felt my skin and blood. It hurt when I touched it. I was so surprised. "Wha.. What happened?"

"You committed suicide." She told me. I was so shocked and almost couldn't think. She got up and came and hugged me. I started bawling. "My baby.. Thaddeus!" I cried. "If his spirit is here I'm sure we can find him."

"No. He died somewhere else when he was taken. The police brought his body parts back and Charles sewed them together to make me a new baby. It did not work." I explained, tears running down my face. "We were never really good at talking or getting along."

"You can talk to me Nora. Any time. I'm so sorry for what happened to you." She embraces me tighter. "Did I ever tell you that you're so beautiful?" She asked me.

"N-no.." I said frowning.

"Well you are." She said. She made butterflies float in my stomach. She was a woman and she made my feel this way. She was so angelic. "You are also." I responded smiling.

She leaned in and grabbed my hands. "Do not let anyone get you down or make you sad, Okay? Please just tell me okay." She said.

"I promise I won't." I smiled at her. She leaned in and pecked my lips. My heart stopped. A woman? Kissing me? Wow. It was better than with any man. I leaned in and we started kissing. It was slow and magical. She is amazing. She is beautiful, smart, and caring.

She hugged me one last time.

"So tell me about yourself Nora.."

So short! Anyways, a Raulson fanfic is coming soon! :) ❤️

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