Fair - Foxxay

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Ship: Foxxay
Smut: Yes

"Hey Dee, which skirt should I wear tonight?" Misty asked holding up a crazy patterned one and a plain black one.

"The crazy one. It matches your personality very well." said Cordelia. "Now, should I wear a crop tee or a flowy blouse?"

"The crop tee definitely. Hugs your chest nicely." Misty said furrowing her brows with a lip bite.

"That's the only reason you want me to wear it, isn't it?" asked Delia, placing a hand on her hip.

"You know it."


As they got into the car, Misty turned on the oldies station. You Make Loving Fun by Fleetwood Mac was playing.

"Sweeeeeet wonderful you.. you make me happy with the things you do! Ohhh can it be so, this feeling follows me wherever I go!" Misty sang while looking at her girlfriend.

"I never did believe in miracles but I've a feeling is time to try, I never did believe in the ways of magic, but I'm beginning to wonder why!" Cordelia finished the verse.

"I never did believe in miracles
But I've a feeling it's time to try
I never did believe in the ways of magic
But I'm beginning to wonder why!" Misty sang back.

They looked at each other with so much love and sang the rest of the song.

"You, you make loving fun
It's all I want to do
You, you make loving fun
It's all I want to do
You, you make loving fun
It's all I want to do
You, you make loving fun
It's all I want to do!" they both sang.

"You make loving fun, Dee." Misty said touching Cordelia's arm.

"No you do." The older woman said.

"No, it's you." Misty responded.

"It's you." Dee said giggling.

"Okay it's me." Misty said smiling ear to ear. "Nah, actually it's all you."

"We both make loving fun." Dee said rolling her eyes with a hint of happiness.

"No I do." Misty said.

They pulled up to the parking lot of the fair and got out of the car. The pair walked up to the booth and payed for tickets.

"Well what should we do first?" asked Delia.

"Oooh! Look Dee, I want that!" Misty said pointing to the food stand that had a picture of a funnel cake on the side.

"Don't you wanna wait? I don't want you throwing up on me on the rides." Cordelia said anxiously. Last time she was thrown up on was when Misty had a little too much to drink. She didn't want another episode of that.

"Fine.. I'll wait. But can I at least get a frozen lemonade?" she asked.

"Sure." They walked up to the stand and Cordelia handed 3 ones to the cashier and handed Misty her drink.

She took a large gulp. "B-brain freeze!" Misty squinted her eyes and put her tongue on the roof of her mouth. "Well shit, that hurt."

Cordelia laughed as she took Misty's free hand and intertwined their fingers together and held on tightly.

"Hey, Dee. Let's ride that tilt a whirl!" Misty said pointing to the amusement ride.

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