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You and Leo decided to have a, er, little picnic. But it kinda went a different direction than you thought it would go. Even if what happened was not surprising.

Leo looked at you and saw beauty. You were different, in a good way, and it showed. You understood the Latino and what he went through. You stuck by his side and that's all he could ever ask from you.

You were laughing, for no reason, just straight up laughing. Leo chuckled and took your hand. He rubbed small circles on them and steamed up a bit.

You looked at him and saw strength. He wasn't just a jokester like everyone said he was. He trusted you and you trusted him. That's all you asked for.

Leo was burning your hand now, but you tried to ignore it. You just grinned as he smirked and leaned in slowly. Before he could kiss you, he caught on fire, also setting the blanket on fire.

You stumbled up and had your eyes wide open as Leo tired to put the flames out. It didn't work, and the blanket slowly turned to ashes.

"I'm sorry. I should've been careful-"

"It's ok." You said softly.

"Really? But I-"

"Yes, really. It's ok."

Leo scratched his head uneasy and smiled awkwardly. You gave him a hug, and a tight one too. He hugged back and kissed your lips. You kissed back and tilted your head to perfectly fit with him.

After a few minutes, Leo pulled back for air and grabbed your hand.

"We should go." He said with a grin.

"Mhm." You responded.

So maybe the picnic wasn't so bad.

*(A/N): Short one ;m; aaaahhh sorry, having writers block.*

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