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"I can't do it." You whispered and stared straight ahead.

Piper was by your side, trying to help you tell your best friend you had the biggest crush on him. But like always, you backed out the last minute and stood in front of bunker 9--Leo's cabin.

"You have to do it, (y/n). Please?" Piper said, tugging your arm.

"I can't, I just- I'm sorry." You slowly walked away to your cabin.

Piper stood there with such sadness, it could make you cry. Piper was the only person who knew your big crush and you promised you'd tell Leo later that day. It was later-that-day and you didn't do it.

You would talk about Leo with Piper and obsess over him behind his back. But when it came to hanging out with him, you two acted like best friends - not admirers or lovers - just best friends.


A week passed and you've been a bit distant from everybody - even Leo and Piper. You felt like everyone knew your secret and were afraid to face the truth. You didn't want your friendship with Leo to be ruined. But looks like you were doing that without trying - being distant and all.

Leo would try to talk to you before dinner but you would quickly run to your table. Leo would try to ask you what happened but you would walk faster away from him. He would try to get your attention at sword training by lighting on fire, but you would only peak from the corner of your eye.

Nothing worked. The boy started to get worried and stopped by your cabin late at night. He knew you would be awake reading while your sibling(s) were asleep.

He softly knocked and opened the door quietly.

"(Y/n)? You still awake?" He whispered as he peeked his head inside.

He saw a small light by your bunk and a beautiful face that had just looked up - you. You couldn't tell who it was but the voice sure was familiar. You squinted and put your book under your pillow. You sat, crossed legged, as the figure came closer to you.

"(Y/n)?" They called again.

Now that they were closer you could now see who it was - Leo. You nearly jumped out of your skin.

"Leo? What are you doing here?" You asked in a whisper.

"That doesn't matter right now," he sat next to you, "Why have you been ignoring me - everybody - lately? Did I do something wrong?"

You were speechless; what were you suppose to say? That the reason you ignored him was that you liked him? How silly of an excuse.

"(Y/n)? Are you okay?" He said grabbing your hand and started to rub it softly with his thumb.

You squealed at his touch and pulled your hand away from him. Leo was a bit hurt but looked down at the ground.

"(Y/n), please say something." He mumbled quietly to himself.

As quiet as he was, you still heard him. You gently put your hand on his shoulder and said, "I'm just... I'm just scared."

He slowly looked at you. You wanted to cry, because of how much hurt was in his eyes. You were that friend he could talk to, be himself around, tell you all his secrets, and now you weren't saying anything - you kept ignoring him; being distant.

"Scared of what?" He said, placing his hand on yours.

You were trembling; and Leo could tell. He hugged you and you relaxed for once. You sighed and tighten your grip on him.

"I love you." You whispered so low, you couldn't even hear yourself.

✄ Hot Love [Leo Valdez x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now