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*(A/N): If you don't know what Jenga is, it's like a small wooden tower and you would have to take a block from the middle and put it on top without it falling c:*


Leo had stopped the Argo II at a store and decided to get the game Jenga. You haven't played the game, but you've seen it been played so you knew the rules. Leo kept it a secret only between you two cause he knew the rest of them would mess it up. So now you and Leo were in his room playing Jenga on the floor. You two have been playing for awhile now and the tower looked like it was ready to fall...

"Mess up. Mess up. Mess up." Leo shouted as you took a piece from the middle and carefully placed it on top.

"Wow thanks, Leo, your really supportive to your girlfriend." You said sarcastically as he decided which block to take.

"I know right~" he said proudly.

You rolled your eyes as Leo took a block from the side and placed it next to your piece on top. You looked at the tower. You knew any minute it would come crashing down and into a block pile. You gently took a side piece, the opposite side of which Leo had took, and put it on top. You smirked at the boy as he tried carefully to take another piece without the tower swaying on one block.

Then, right when Leo was about to place it, he started to steam up. He was concentrating too hard he was about to catch on fire and set the wooden tower on fire too.

"Leo!" You yelled and slapped the block out of his hand. "Your gunna catch on fire!"

"Oh gods, uh..." He quietly patted his hair and shirt trying to stop the steam.

Gladly, it worked. Then you noticed the grin on Leo's face and lifted an eyebrow at him.

"What?" You asked.

Then you noticed it. When you slapped the wooden piece out of his hand, it hit the tower, knocking it all over.

"I win~"

"Wait, no fair. That doesn't count! I was trying to save the game-"

"So you destroyed it?"

You let out an angry sigh and crossed your arms over your chest. You pouted like a little girl and looked away from the Latino.

"Aw, c'mon (y/n)~" Leo said as he leaned over to you. "Don't be so sad, it's just a game."

He turned your head to him and lifted your chin and softly placed a sweet, short kiss on your lips. You blushed and smiled.


*(A/N): This one is so weird, sorry. Still having writer's block. PLEASE help me with ideas? It would mean a lot.*

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