Locked up Love

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|Locked up Love|

"Pffft, Valentine's Day is stupid." You complained, rolling your eyes.

"It wouldn't be stupid if you were my Valentine." Leo responded, lower than a whisper.

"Huh? What was that?" You asked with a tilted head.

"Oh, nothing, nothing! Just agreeing with you!"


You and your best friend, Leo, were strolling along the beach. It was Valentine's Day, the most dreadful holiday of all. You hated it with a passion. Nothing ever went right on that day. Never. By seeing Leo be rejected as many times as you have, he hated it as well. But he was acting weird this time it came around. He seem off and distant, thinking more often, quiet more often. He hasn't even tried flirting with someone today!

'How strange...' You thought, glancing up at your friend.

You stared at his dark chocolate eyes for a moment, imagining sparks of flames coming from within them. Gently, you stopped the boy and yourself, but putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Hey, Leo? Why don't we go to the Hermes cabin and watch a movie? I think the Stoll's have some candy we can have as well!"

Leo paused and the silence he kept between your question, and his answer, as slowly eating at you.

"Yeah, sure! That'll be fun." He replied, putting a small grin on his face.


Once you two got to the Hermes cabin, you thanked the gods that no one was there. Everyone was too busy swooning over someone.

You took out two bean bag chairs and candy, pulling out a movie -- Maze runner.

"Let's watch this! I've always wanted to, but never had the time."

Leo nodded and sat on one of the bean bags chair, tossing a Hershey Kiss into his mouth.

"Sure." He said quick and short, eating the chocolate one by one.

You sat in the bean bag beside him and sighed.


Half way through the movie, you ended up falling asleep. You and Leo soon were cuddling before on one bean bag chair, and his warm touch, his cologne -- they made your eyes heavy and your body tired/relaxed.

Leo wasn't watching the movie at all, he was too busy paying attention to his best friend; his crush; you. He gently stroked your (h/c) hair and rested his lips upon your head, fluttering his eyes closed. He's always wanted to hold you this close, showing his affection, his care, his everything towards you.

Damn, did you mess with his heart, without even knowing. When you laughed, his heart responded with a skip. When you cried, it broke in two. Whenever you were angry at the world, it made his heart race. All this happened because he loved you. He's always thought about telling his true feelings, even flirt a couple times to indirectly tell you, but today was different. Valentine's Day. People were expected to show love that day. He had planned a perfect day for you and him, but he couldn't do it, he couldn't ask you.

He was fine with it, though, now. Because you were in his arms like he wanted, he showed you his feelings to you, even if you were asleep. He didn't mind. He half wished you were pretending to sleep. But that's okay, he could hold it in just a bit longer. For now, he'll have to lock up his love.

'I love you, (y/n).' Was Leo's last thoughts before falling asleep himself, holding you close.



ANYWAYS, I made this short fluffy one-shot for everyone~


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