Summer Solstice

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Look at the title for the name of the picture

Felix's P.O.V.

I looked at the marks that are left on my skin from Aiden

" Admiring my work?" Aiden asked coming out of the shower with just a towel

" Well you do great work." I said kissing his lips and fueling his ego

" Hurry and change cause knowing Victoria, she'll be bragging into my room and I don't want to explain to her and probably the rest of the people living in this house why there is a naked werewolf in my bedroom." I said tossing him a pair of jeans

" They'll eventually know about us, why not sooner?" Asked Aiden hugging my bare upper half

" Knowing my mother, she'll take you away from me and start doing something embarrassing that will take your time for the next 2 months. And I want you to myself anyways," I answered truthfully unraveling my self from Aiden's embrace and putting on a long sleeve to try to hide some of the marks that were scattered around my skin but those that were on my neck

" I hate you and your super werewolf healing." I said looking at his skin with no marks on it while leaving to the kitchen to get something to eat

I walked to the kitchen and saw that both Victoria and Olivia were already there with 8 plates of food on the counter top

" Well look at what we have here?" Olivia teased

" OLIVIA, LOOK AT HIS NECK!" The words echoed throughout the house and it only took about 5 seconds until all the people that were living here temperately were swarming me with questions

" So I guess our secret is out already huh?" Asked Aiden walking into the kitchen

" Wait, knowing the urges that a teenage werewolf has, this shouldn't be all the marks that he would have left on Felix's skin." Victoria said while walking to me and pulling up my shirt and revealing all the marks Aiden made last night

" Have you ever heard of minding your own business." I complained pulling down my shirt

" Any ways, hurry and eat because after this we're going to the dimension of time." I said, with the other guardians ignoring me and eating the food that Olivia made

<45 mins later>

" So how are we going to prepare for the Summer Solstice?" Asked Lili

" We need at least a year to master our weapons and knowing Felix, he would want to start your training for the spells that the guardians are able to use and that will take another year." Victoria said looking at the inexperienced guardians

" Why do we need training, we have held our own in big battles before." Bradley chimed in

" Well the other battles you only had to face people and or creatures that were in normal strength. During both the solstice and equinox specific people get boosts in power. And the people that are being targeted are both the kingdoms of the Ice and Fairies, major powers in our side." Victoria said

" And if you'd listen to me earlier and not have been distracted by food you would have heard that were going to the dimension of time." I said a little angry

" Wait your giving us access to that?" Asked Pearl eagerly

" I don't have any other choice." I said with a sigh

" Okay I know that you 4 are the first guardians to have been trained but hello we aren't." A very confused and angry Bradley said

" The dimension of time is a dimension created by one of the gods that Felix has, Chronos the god of time." Serenity said walking through a mirror and gaining a scream from the inexperienced guardians

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