A Normal Day In the Crazy Year....

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Aiden's P.O.V.

I woke up and saw that Felix wasn't there with me, and kai was laying asleep on my chest. I just stared at him and I could imagine our first child laying like this in my chest. I picked him up carefully so not to wake him. I placed him on the bed and gave him a pillow, and him instantly hugging it like his life depended on it. I smiled at the scene and quietly sneaked out the room. I heard a loud bang that came form the kitchen. I walked to the kitchen and saw that Felix was making something. I walked behind him and grabbed him from his waist, kissing him on his neck too.

" What are you doing, can't you see that I'm doing something important that's going to take all my attention. I don't need someone distracting me." He said not taking his attention from what he was doing. I continued to kiss his neck making him respond with a small moan, until I felt little fists hitting my leg. I looked down and saw that it was kai hitting my leg.

" Kai please stop hitting Aiden's leg." Felix asked knowing what was happening

" But he's doing stuff to you." He said looking up with the most adorable eyes

" Honey you know that he's not doing anything bad, just trying to distract me." He said turning and smiling at the boy that made grabby hands to him

" Aiden please pick him up, knowing him he's curious about what I'm doing." Felix said

I bent down and looked at Kai, I grabbed him and he instantly latched to me.

" What are you doing anyways?" I asked looking that we was filling up a tray

" I'm making Kai's favorite dessert." He said as the child in my arms smiled and started bouncing a little

" I want to make Kai feel at home here, as well as feel comfortable with the rest of the kids here as well as the adults." He said

" And how are you going to do that I may ask?" I asked

" Pool party." He said. I looked at him weird knowing that this house doesn't have a pool. He signaled me to look outside at the backyard. I walked to the glass doors, still carrying the boy in my arms and him still having his arms latched on my neck. I saw that the backyard suddenly had a pool as well as decorated with party stuff and a lounging area. I walked back to Felix and looked at him with wide eyes.

"  You forget I'm mage. I can change anything with ease." He said, opening the oven taking out foiled covered trays and laying them with the rest of them in the table and placing the dessert trays in the oven.

" And your doing all this in the morning?" I asked

" Actually it's 1 in the afternoon. I've been up since 9:30." He said washing his hands and looking at me

" So your the one that placed Kai on my chest?" I asked

" Actually when I woke up he was already on your chest, I guess he liked the way you smelled or something like that. I know that I do." he said walking back to his room, and me following him as well as causing both me and Kai to blush a little.

" I guess Kai likes you a lot." Felix said walking into his closet. I looked at the boy yet again and he just buried his face in the crook of my neck. I guess he does like me

" Well who wouldn't like this little guy." I said, as I felt Kai tighten his grip on me.  

" I know because he doesn't let anyone hold him that much." He said still in the closet. I grabbed him off me and out stretched my arms holding him in the air. Suddenly laughter came from him, I looked at him fondly as he couldn't stop laughing.

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