The Vision of The 4 Year old

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Iris' P.O.V.

" We have to go to the realm of the Ice Queen, NOW!!!" I said to the group when the sprite disappeared

" Why?" Lili asked

" Felix is going to do something stupid, and I'm either going to stop him from doing it or help him. We need to go now!" I answered worrying for my master

" What's he going to do." Asked Lili

" He's going to use Arc Imperial magic isn't he?" Asked Victoria. I nodded

" Arc Imperial Magic, is one of the lost magic that know one knows how to master." A woman said looking all smug thinking she was right

" Honey, that's where your wrong. Arc Imperial magic is considered lost because the only ones that can access it are the imperial beings, actually all lost magic only they have access to it since they are located in their vaults." The queen said looking at the group still surprised from the statement from earlier, and continued " But that doesn't mean that Felix knows that kind of mag..."

Iris interrupted, "Actually Felix isn't the only ones that know that kind of magic. 15 other spell casters have that ability, one being me as well." Iris said looking at the queen with seriousness in her face

" That can't be, the queen is con..." The same princess started to say but got interrupted again, this time by Olivia " Exactly, she's considered as powerful as the 10 strongest spell casters, but the fact is that she isn't one. Every race has their own system of rankings; the spell casters have their top ten, the demon classes have their 7 sins, angles have their 10 commandments, the werewolves have their gifted wolves, elves have their skills system, the nymphs have their natures manipulation system, Mermaids are ranked by their capability of singing, Vampires have their name thing, your race has the princess being the strongest fighters you have, after the queen of course. Even the ogres, goblins, ghouls and other races like them have their slaying system." She said looking irritated

" Every one in the guardians, have a place in their races ranking system; Felix is ranked 2 and Iris is ranked 6, Felix's protégés are in a 6 way tie in ranked 8, and the others are unknown other than the council member beings ranked 10. Victoria is the demon representing lust, but her brother holds the title of Wrath. Olivia holds the number 3, symbolizing that she's able the control her nature equal that of 3,000 level 1 nymphs, her mother being the only that holds the #10. Bradley having the direct ancestral line of that of Dracula's. Pearl's voice being one of the most mesmerizing in the kingdom only being rival by her mothers and her personal court. Aiden being one of the gifted, he's not hurt by silver at all the only bad side is that any wound he sustains always scars, Alpha Adam, his grandfather, is the original reception of that gift. And me, I'm the princess that represents that royalty section of the princess, all decisions that we have to do is always decided by me, giving me a chance to fight for the right to be crowned Queen of the fairy kingdom." Lili said

" Even with this information, that doesn't mean that Felix is able to perform Arc Imperial magic." The Queen said

I hated the way that the Queen couldn't handle the truth about the fact that my master can perform that type of magic.

3rd person P.O.V.

Being enraged, she demonstrated the capability that her and her master shared. A huge magic circle appeared surrounded by three smaller circles followed by 5 even smaller circles under her, " Arc Imperial Magic: Essence of Anomaly" She casted and light swallowed her and later appearing, in a white dress, with golden jewelry on.

The queen and the princesses with her stood in aw as they saw that the information given to them by the guardians was right since the beginning.

Iris snapped her fingers and the domain of the ice queen appeared under them, making all but iris suddenly fall into the portal.

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