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The months slowly crept by and they finally did it. Graduated the hell they call, middle school. Lydia, thought that Jackson wouldn't even talk to her anymore, since there were probably so many more girls to choose from once they started high school. Girls that were way prettier than her. But he did. And he got even more flirty with her.

As summer went by and July approached, Jackson asked Lydia if she wanted to come along with him and his family on a trip to his family's lake house. She begged her mom to let her go, and she finally agreed. So there she was, sitting beside him in his parents' car. He had his headphones in his ear, blasting his MP3 player. It was some Coldplay song, that she had heard a few times but never bothered to even care about. He had hardly even paid attention to her, and Lydia felt just plain awkward.

After about an hour and a half of driving, Jackson took the headphones out and looked at her. "I made you a playlist. Wanna hear?" he said. "For me.. Why?" Lydia asked surprised. "Because I-" His parents asked him a question and she never got the answer.

They eventually got to the lake for 4th of July. His parents bought a bunch of fireworks for it, and Jackson was more than excited. The day rolled on and night came. Lydia looked around the room that she was supposed to be staying in and sighed a bit to herself. She didn't like being alone in big empty spaces, especially with large windows to see outside. It was way too creepy, so she snuck out to Jackson's room and found him laying in bed.

"Jackson.." she whispered and walked over to the bed. "Yeah?" he asked tiredly. "I can't sleep in that room... it's too empty. I just don't want to be alone." Lydia replied quietly, tucking her hair behind her ear. Jackson lifted the blanket up, scooting over. She hesitated, but got into bed with him.

He was so warm and smelled wonderful, so she moved closer to him. Jackson wrapped his arm around her and started falling back asleep to which she wrapped an arm around his waist and fell asleep too.

The next day it had gotten hot, so Jackson suggested they go to the lake. Lydia agreed and changed into a pink 2 piece and waited by the lake, waiting for Jackson to come out. When he walked out of the house she couldn't help but to stare at his lean, but muscular, shirtless body. He ran towards her, picking her up and running into the water. "Jackson put me down!" she yelled and hit his back lightly. "No!" he yelled back, laughing. "Just let me go." Lydia said with a sigh. "Never." Jackson replied. Their bodies hit the water and they swam around for a while, him splashing her and her splashing him back.

They got out of the water, as the sun started going down and started to walk back to the lake house. Jackson glanced at her every so often as Lydia was trying to hold onto the towel around her body. She was trying not to look at him when she slipped on a rock and fell flat on her butt.

"Ouch..." she groaned and Jackson immediately turned to her and knelt down on his legs. "Oh my god, are you alright?" he said. "I should've been paying more attention I could've prevented this from happening. I'm so sor-" She cut him off. "It's alright.. I'm okay." He looked at her curiously and paused. "I know what can make you feel better.." "What?" Lydia said. Jackson put a hand on her cheek and leaned in to kiss her, but stopped when he heard his mom clear her throat. "Are you kids ready for the fireworks?" She asked. "Yes mom." Jackson replied and rolled his eyes, helping Lydia up.

They got back to the lake house and got ready for that night. He told his parents that he was going to watch the fireworks with Lydia back by the lake and that they'd be back later to do theirs. So he took her, and they walked over in silence. Jackson sat down on an area of grass and Lydia sat down next to him, thinking about what to say. "Thanks for inviting me Jackson. I'm having a lot of fun." she said. "No problem. I'm glad." he laughed quietly and it was silent for a while. He turned his body towards Lydia and cleared his throat a bit.

"So.. Lydia.. I really like you. And I know we've been getting to know each other but I want to get to know you in another way. I liked the feeling I got when I kissed you and I get when I see you. I just..." Jackson paused. "Will you be my girlfriend?" he asked nervously. Lydia was in shock. Her mouth was open a bit, not knowing what to say. She wasn't sure if it was real. Was he actual returning her feelings? "Yes." she blurted out. "Yes I'll be your girlfriend." Lydia smiled as the fireworks went off. Jackson smiled back and kissed her. She kissed him back, happy that he had finally asked her.

I'll Never Leave You - A Jydia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now