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Freshman year was definitely something new for the both of them. It was so different compared to their last school, but they tried to make the most of it and just have fun.

Lydia walked out of class and headed to her locker, seeing Jackson leaning against it.

"Hey babe." He said, lightly smirking.

"Babe?" she laughed quietly, loving the way it sounded coming from his mouth.

"Of course." Jackson laughed. "Well anyways, how would you like to go to a movie Friday night?"

Lydia grinned, being that this was the first time he had actually asked her on a date, since her birthday. But this was an official date. Their first one as a couple.

"I'd love too." She replied.

"Great, I'll pick you up at six." He kissed her cheek and walked away, making his way to his next class.

Lydia watched Jackson, until he disappeared around the corner continuing to smile to herself.

After school, she went home trying to decide what to wear. After all she wanted to look nice for him. She settled on a white dress, with small floral print and sprayed herself with perfume. Lydia looked at the clock at saw it was 5:59, wondering if Jackson was going to be late. But, as soon as the clock turned 6:00 she heard a knock on the door and went downstairs and opened it.

"You look beautiful." Jackson said, staring at her in awe.

"Thank you." Lydia said, while blushing.

They made their way to the movies when she saw a group of Jackson's friends, with their girlfriends. He started to walk over to them and she pulled him back a bit.

"Is this like... a group date?" Lydia said raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah." Jackson replied. "I thought it would take the pressure off of things."

But it didn't. Lydia just felt even more nervous. She just nodded, not wanting him to know or feel bad about it and he bought their tickets and they went inside.

They walked into the almost empty theater and sat down, with a couple sitting on both sides of them. The movie started, and all she saw was kissing. And it wasn't coming from the movie. They were making out right next to her and it didn't sound too pleasant. Lydia just couldn't take it anymore.

"Jackson.." she leaned over and said quietly in his ear, lightly sighing. "I don't really feel comfortable with all of this."

Jackson looked at her, raising an eyebrow and then glanced at the couple next to her. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He whispered back and stood up, then grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the theater, the couples too busy to notice.

"Hey.. I'm really sorry for making you uncomfortable. That wasn't my intention and I just wanted us to have a good night.." Jackson said as they walked out of the doors.

"No, I should've said something sooner, she shook her head. "The nights still not over you know." Lydia looked at him lightly smirking.

"Then let's go make the best of it." Jackson replied.

They ended up at the park, walking around and holding hands. Jackson looked up at a big oak tree.

"Let's carve our names into it. Make it permanent." He took out a pocket knife and Lydia raised an eyebrow.

"A pocket knife?"

"I've got to protect my girl somehow." Lydia laughed quietly as Jackson started to carve their initials into the tree, smiling to himself after he finished.

She walked up to the tree and ran her fingers over the engraving.

"Forever..." Lydia said quietly to herself, not thinking Jackson would hear her.

"Forever." He said, and leaned her back against the tree, kissing her softly to which she kissed back. He gripped her hips lightly and kissed her deeply, making it hard for Lydia to even breathe at that moment. She ran her hands through his hair and gripped it lightly, only to pull away and kiss him again. After a while, Jackson pulled away and lightly smiled at her.

"Are you hungry?" he asked.

"Starving." she laughed quietly, wanting his kisses more than food.

"I know a place we can go." He smiled and took her hand, walking through town with her and stopping at her favorite pizzeria.

"How did you know, I liked this place?" Lydia looked at him.

"Because I remember a time when a certain girl, went on about how her mom took her here for her birthday one year, and it was the best pizza she had ever tasted." Jackson smiled, talking about her. Lydia was surprised; she didn't even think he was listening to her at the time, but he was. And that proved it. She smiled at him and they went inside, ordering two slices of pepperoni pizza and eating it.

Jackson moved a piece of her strawberry blonde hair behind her ear, to really get a good look at her face. Lydia looked up at him and smiled shyly and it was then he knew. He was in love, with Lydia Martin. And she was in love with him.

I'll Never Leave You - A Jydia FanficWhere stories live. Discover now