Where Am I?

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I woke up the next morning by a nurse. She was dressed in an all pink outfit, and her hat was blue. Like pastel pink and blue. I found it weird since usually nurses are dressed in white or blue.

"Sir. You are good to go." She said, helping me up and out of the hospital bed.

At this moment I had realized that I was probably in a coma for a long time and they fixed me up when I was out of it.

I smiled at the nurse, shook her hand, and then left the hospital. When I walked out of the front doors I thought I was dreaming.

"What happened to Gotis Town?" I said to myself.

Some stranger walked by and looked at me like I was crazy. "Gotis Town?"

"Uh I... Nevermind" I said.

He shrugged his shoulders and kept moving on, walking down the street.

I looked around a few times and rubbed my eyes. The sky was purple. The roads were black, sidewalks white, houses were all different colors. People were wearing pastel colored clothes.

I went to get my phone from out of my pocket and then saw what I was wearing. I had on dark pastel blue pants, a pastel red shirt, pink pastel jacket... Everything on me and around me was all pastel colored. It looked like a movie.

I didn't mind that everything looked pastel, pastel things are my favorite things. But, I was just confused on why everything looked like this.

Maybe the town did some work while I was out..? Maybe. I don't know.

Anyways, I took out my phone. The case and the screen looked different. Everything was different! My case was now pinks with little ice cream cones. My homescreen was a picture of an orange tree, the lockscreen was a brick wall painted in orange.

Well... The time was 8 PM so I decided to go home. But I didn't know which house was mine. I looked into my phone and saw that there were directions to my house in the memo section.

My house was just a block away. When I reached my home i saw that my house was pastel orange. The other houses around me were all different shades of pastel orange.

I walked into the house and every room was a different color or shade. The kitchen was peach orange. The dining room was dark orange. Bedroom was yellow orange. Bathroom was light orange. Last, the TV room was just white.

Everything in my house was also orange. Even the food in the fridge!

I decided to forget about how weird but amazingly cool this was and head to sleep.

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