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I woke up the next morning to my neighbors. They were talking loud about the color orange outside of my house.

I saw that it was 8 AM and I decided to do something productive. Why don't I go get a job today? Why not... I mean it's a good way to meet new people. And I could get money to buy more orange stuff. My favorite color is orange obviously.

So I went to my closet and opened it. Not surprisingly, all the clothes were organized in color. I put on a blue jacket, dark blue pants, sky blue socks, and galaxy blue shoes. All pastel colored, of course.

I went downstairs to find a pet cat on my couch. "Oh this must be my cat." I smiled and said to myself.

I went to my cat and looked at the nametag. Jennifer. My cat's name is Jennifer.

"Well goodmorning Jennifer." I said to my cat and brushed it's head.

I went to my fridge and opened it up. I had orange waffles and orange milk. After eating I cleaned the dishes and went to go brush my teeth. The toothpaste was orange. The toothbrush was orange!

I spat out the toothpaste and cleaned out my mouth with water before I left my house.

I opened my front door and stepped outside. I locked the door behind me with the keys that were in my pocket.

I took a sniff of the fresh air. It smelled like an orange scent. A heavenly smell is basically what it was.

I went out on the street and ran across it. There was a soap store across the street and the sign said, "Now Hiring!" This was my chance to get a job at a place that was actually nice.

The thing is, I've had this weird obsession with soap. I liked the way it felt I guess...

I went into the store and went up to the front desk.

"Hello, may I get a job here?" I asked the lady at the desk.

"Yes of course, I just need to see your ID first." She replied.

I smiled and went into my left pocket to get out my wallet. I found my wallet and pulled it out from my pocket. I flipped through all the cards and 5 dollar bills that were in there.

To my surprise I found my ID. But it was different... My face was there and yes it was my real face but my name was different! My age was also different, I didn't have a middle or last name either! My name was Penguin. My age said 23 also.

I handed my ID card to the lady up front and she looked it over.

"Alright Penguin, my name is Monkey and I'm the manager. Work starts at 10 AM every day. Your work hours are 10 AM to 4 PM. And you will work eh, on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Then every week your paycheck is 410 dollars. Your first day is tomorrow don't be late!" Monkey said.

She handed me back my ID and I left the place. I was happy. Then it hit me, everyone's names were names of certain animals. So does that mean that animals names are humans names? Like how my cat wasn't called a cat, it's called a Jennifer..? That's how this society works one I guess.

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