Car Crash

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All I hear is a scream before I blackout. Someone had come and combined there car into mine, so a car crash.

The person who had crashed into me was not hurt at all. The woman who hit into my car immediately got out of her car after she had crashed into me.

She screamed and was worried. Pulling me out of my car, the woman was calling an ambulance at the same time. People in the area also rushed to my car and helped the woman pull me out.

The woman was crying and worried, yet she didn't even know who I was. I didn't know who she was and she didn't know who I was. We're both complete strangers!

I'm guessing that she was some kind of lady who worked at a church cause she really cared. All the people who worked at churches in my town were extremely nice.

The ambulance got here in less than 4 minutes and they put me onto a bed and rolled me into the car. The two helpers in the ambulance thought I was already dead.

Who knows.. Maybe I was and I came back to life maybe. Maybe, just maybe I'm not alive.

(Author's Note: Hey everybody this part of the story is just the backstory before basically everything else happens. I hope you guys will enjoy this story.)

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