It's Raining Candy

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I decided to go to the market to get more food since all I had at home was milk, waffles, and steak.

The market was 4 buildings away from the Soap Shop so it was easy to get there. What I noticed when I was walking was that nobody had cars. Everyone rode on bikes, rollerskates, or skateboards. This whole city I was living it was like my dream world. How I wanted life to be like basically.

I walked into the market and saw 4 isles with all candy on the shelves. I walked into one of the isles and a worker came up to me.

"Hello sir. What color of candy would you like?" The worker asked.

I replied, "orange please."

I was now shocked. The employee pressed a button on the wall and now every candy on the shelf was orange.

"W - Wow." I said, shocked at what I was seeing.

I picked out a bunch of different candy and then I went to the other side of the store. I went to the freezer isle and saw a woman who also worked at the place.

"What color?" She asked.

Of course I said orange again and every item in the freezer became orange. I picked out some TV dinner meals and a bunch of steak.

Next, I went across the store to the water isle. I got the orange water of course.

After getting everything I wanted I paid for it all at an extremely low price. I had bought about 30 items and all of it only costed 60 dollars. "Wow, so low priced, good."

The worker at the register took my money and then put my items into 2 bags. Then I said, "thank you" and left the place.

As soon as I walked outside I got confused again. Boink! Someone hit my head then bounced onto the ground.

"Huh?" I muttered to myself and then scratched my head.

I looked at the ground and saw a piece of candy... Not even 10 seconds later, candy fell from the sky. IT WAS RAINING CANDY! HOW IS THIS POSSIBLE!?

I looked like an idiot on the sidewalk, running around in circles, catching candy in my mouth. I started to laugh and then couldn't stop.

I opened up one of my grocery bags and candy rained into the bag.

"Ah. This is paradise."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2017 ⏰

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