[ Our past arc - Part 1 ] Let's go back in time for our honeymoon

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You and Gintoki walk around in the markets. You two are currently on a different planet.

 "Why are we here? Doesn't honeymoon mean to have sex" asks Gintoki annoyed. "Is Sex the only thing you can think about. Honeymoon also means sightseeing and time spending with the one you love." you say. "Oi! Nii-san!" shouts a hooded man to Gintoki. " Gintoki. Do you know him?" you ask him as you two go to the man. " No." says Gintoki. "Do you want a time machine?" asks the weird man. "Yes." says Gintoki. "No! We don't want a time machine" you say to the man. "Gintoki, what are you doing? Don't you see that he is a scammer!" you say to Gintoki. "Oi. You know, that I can hear you and I didn't say that I wanted Money for it" says the hooded man. " We take it!" says Gintoki excited as he takes something from the man. "Gintoki! What are you doing! Why would someone give a time machine for free. It must be something wrong with that" you say and snatch away that thing from Gintoki and turn to the weird man. But he isn't there anymore. "huh? Where is he?" you ask confused. "Who knows? Let's go. " he says as he snatches the thing from you. "You think to keep this thing? What do we do if it's dangerous?" you ask million things as you watch the thing. 

The thing was a black cube, on it stands the date of today. It looks like a clock. 

" Sometimes you behave like Shinpachi, come let's go back to our hotel " says Gintoki and walks away. " That's not true! Why are you always saying terrible things like that. Oi! Wait for me!" you say as you follow Gintoki.

At the same time in Yorozuya

"Achoo!" sneezes Shinpachi. " Eeek! you sneezed on me!-aru" screams Kagura. "Ah. Gomen Kagura-chan" says Shinpachi. "I don't want your sorry-aru. Because of you is my face tainted. Give me back my innocence!-aru" shouts Kagura and kicks Shinpachi. 

Timeskip (In hotel)

"It's really nice from Tatsuma, that he pays for our honeymoon trip" you say as you unpack things from your luggage. "It's the only right thing to do after what he did that" says Gintoki.


You sit on the desk, your legs around Gintoki. Your hands are around his neck and his are on your waist. You two kiss passionately as he is thrusting his member in you. Gintoki is fully clothed just his member is out, in you. You are actually wearing a skirt because of that he just moved your panties to the side to thrust, but your shirt was open,so that he can see your bra.

 Sakamoto comes in and sees you two. "....Kintoki?" says Sakamoto unsure. You both are startled and turn to Sakamoto. "hahahaha" he ruffles his hair. "What are you doing here?" asks Gintoki, but not pulling out. "I just wanted to visit you, but I see that you are busy. I come later" says Sakamoto and goes out of the house. " I said that we are going to get caught" you say pouting. " Oh relax, it was just Sakamoto and now he is gone, let's continue" he says and thrusts faster in you. "ah I forgot my bag" says Sakamoto as he comes in. "ahh~" you moan accidentally and cover your mouth embarrassed. "Oh you let it rock, Kintoki" says Sakamoto with thumbs up. "Get out and it's Gintoki" shouts Gintoki and Sakamoto runs away. "Hmpf......I'm not in the mood anymore" you say sulking. "What?! It doesn't matter and my ojisan said to always finish what I started" he says and thrusts harder. "Y-you don't have an ojisan ahhh~" you moan loud. "you're right, you know me, but I know you too and that inside and out" he says with a perverted smile.

Flashback end

"Wasn't that your fault, Tatsuma didn't do anything wrong " you say to Gintoki. " It's natural for married couple to fxxk around in the whole house, he should know that" says Gintoki and sits on the bed. " Can it be that you forced Tatsuma to pay?" you ask strict. "What?.......no, he did it himself" says Gintoki and looks away. " Why did you have a long pause to answer that!" you shout. Gintoki pulls on you and you fell on top of him. "Don't worry about that, worry about how you're gonna walk after I fxxked you senseless " says Gintoki as he changes your position and hovers above you. You blush and see that he kicked something from the bed. "Gintoki, you kicked-" you are interrupted. "Don't worry, the only reason I would kick you out of bed would be to fxxk you on the floor" he says as he sucks on your neck. "I ahhhn~ didn't mean that! I saw that you kicked mngh~ something from the bed~" you say blushing. Gintoki removes himself from you and looks at the floor. "Ah." he says terrified. "What is?" you ask confused and stand up. You see the time machine on the floor, the numbers on it, are changing fast. And suddenly it shines brightly. Gintoki hugs your head on his chest to protect you from the 'evil' light. The light was gone, you two open your eyes and you aren't in the hotelroom anymore. You two look around and Gintoki freezes as he sees a house. " I think we are in . . . . . .  the past, it's better not to interfere, (Y/N)" says Gintoki as he looks in your direction, but you aren't there anymore. He looks in panic around and sees you finally. "Oi! What are you doing!?" he whispers to you. You are going to a little boy with silver permed hair. "Huh? That boy looks like Gintoki from behind" you think and go nearer to the little boy. "Gintoki?" you ask and the little boy turns around. "Hai?" he asks bored. "ohh~ you're so kawaii!" you say and hug him so that his face was pressed between your boobs. "Let me go! Baba!" shouts Chibi Gintoki blushing. "Oi! Stop pushing your boobs in his face" shouts your husband Gintoki jealous. " Who are you guys?" asks Chibi Gintoki as he pushes against your breast. " Oi! Don't touch my wife!" says Gintoki and pulls you away. "Gintoki, that's you. Don't be jealous over yourself" you whisper to your husband, trying to cheer him up. " Oi, can you tell me now, who you are?" asks Chibi Gintoki. "Eto....we are just a newly married couple on our honeymoon, we are staying in the neighborhood, that's why if you hear cries from pleasure at night , it's from her" says Gintoki proud. "Gintoki teme! What are you telling to a little child" you say angry. "What?! His name is Gintoki too?" asks Chibi Gintoki. "Eh? No! His name isn't Gintoki, it's ....Kintoki, yes his name is Kintoki, isn't it so, Kintoki?" you ask K- Gintoki. "Ha? You couldn't think of something better, why didn't you say chinp- Ah!" screams Gintoki as you step on his foot. " We must go now, it was nice to meet you, Gintoki" you drag Gintoki away with you. " Wait!" shouts Chibi Gintoki. "What is?" you ask as you turn to Chibi Gintoki. "Name . . . what's your name?" asks Chibi Gintoki blushing. " My name is (Y/N)" you say smiling. "When I'm grown up, I want to marry a girl that's like you" says Chibi Gintoki. "Why?" you ask. " Because I like your . . . . boobs" says Chibi Gintoki and points at your breast. "Huh?" you say and hit your husband. "Oi! Why are you hitting me?" asks Gintoki. " And I want to protect her and be with her forever . . ." says Chibi Gintoki. "Gintoki..." you say touched. ". . and I want to screw her all night long" says Chibi Gintoki. You are shocked and don't move from the place. Shorty after that you recover from your shock and kick your husband in the guts. " Oiiii! Why are doing this to me?!" yells Gintoki at you. " Because I can't hit a child and aren't you and he, the same person?" you whisper to Gintoki. "We are going now! Bye Chibi Gin- ah! I mean Gintoki!" you shout and drag your hubby after you. You are further away from Chibi Gintoki. " Let's go back " you say blushing to Gintoki. " We can't.." says Gintoki. "Why not?" you ask him confused. " It doesn't work.." says Gintoki and shakes the black cube - the time machine. "Ah!" he shouts and wants to trow it on the ground. "No!" you say and take the cube from Gintoki. " Can't we change the date on it. Ah!" you shout as you see something. " What is it?" asks Gintoki shocked. "Here! Something is written on the backside" you say hysterical. " Let me see '20 hours to load for the next travel' huh? What does that mean" he says desperately. " It means we must wait 20 hours to travel back to home" you say happy. "Why are you happy?" asks you Gintoki. "Because this place is where you grow up and I'm really happy to know more about you." you say excited. " Hai hai, let's search a place to stay" says Gintoki blushing. "Ah! I know a place" you say and drag Gintoki with you.


"Why are we here?" asks you Gintoki. " It doesn't matter now, we just need a place to stay one day" you say and ring the doorbell. The door opens slowly. " Shouyou ..." whispers Gintoki as he sees the person, who opens the door.

To be continued . . . . 


Hi! I have a feeling that this chapter have many flaws in it, but please don't mind it. Thank you : )

( Gintoki x Reader ) Gintoki, a lovely husband - arienai!! ~lemonWhere stories live. Discover now