Dark places are arousing~ Don't you think so ?

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You are currently in a public bath with Kagura, Sarutobi, tsukuyo,otae and kyuubei. You are best friends with tsuki, at first you two were awkward with each other, but after some time you became friends, because you spoke of all the bad things about Gintoki.

"My Bras are lately tight on my chest" you say to tsuki. "(Y/N) don't make me to hurt you" says otae. "wha?! I didn't mean it like that, i just think that i put weight on" you say defending. "You are not fat, you boobs just grow faster" says Sarutobi and cups your breast. "Wh-what are you doing saru?" you ask embarrassed. "Compared to you Otae's breast are still like the one from a kid" says sarutobi and is kicked away from otae. "If just your chest grow then it can be that it was massaged regularly" says tsuki in thoughts. "Oh really?" you say blushing. "Ah if it's like that, then Otae can-" you stop as you see otae surrendered by a dark aura."What did you wanted to say?" asks otae eyes twitching. "n-nothing" you say stuttering. "Don't worry tae-chan, i massage your breast" says kyuubei and drools. "noo! Otae-san's small breast are mine" cries Kondo-san as he jumps out of nowhere. "Hentaiyaro!" shouts otae and kicks kondo away. "Otae, when are you going to accept the gorilla? , even Kagura is dating the sadist" says sarutobi, who is back again and is hugging you. "Oi! what are you doing saru?!" you say annoyed. "Why won't you accept my feelings darling?!" cries Sarutobi. "Who is your darling!" you shout. "Sarutobi is right. Gori- Kondo-san didn't give you up, even Sarutobi gave gintoki up" says Tsukki. "Oi! Don't speak about my ex in front of my darling" says Sarutobi hysterical. "Who is your ex?! And we are speaking about otae!" you shout. "Why are we speaking about me, what about kagura-chan?" says Otae and changes the topic. "What about me?" asks Kagura confused. "Why didn't you tell us, that you were in love with Okita-kun?" asks her Kyuubei. " Yeah! You didn't even tell me" says Otae to kagura. "Help me! Tsuki!" whispers Kagura to tsuki with puppy eyes. "Let's talk about (Y/N)" says Tsuki changing the topic again. "What? About me? why?" you asks confused. "Yeah let's talk about her" say all the other girls. "Huh?!" you say surprised. "Now that I think about, hasn't Hijikata had a crush on you too?" asks you Otae. "Eh! Really?" you ask surprised. "Unbelievable!" says Tsuki. "Oi!" you shout at her irritated. "But would you have chosen him, if you met him first?" asks you Tsuki. "No." you reply quick. "Why not?" asks Otae surprised. "Because I like perverts (with silver permed hair)" you say with a blank face. It was silent after you said that. "I was just kidding" you say smiling awkwardly. "Haha" they laugh in monotone.

Timeskip - Changing room

"But (Y/N) , don't you go to dates with Gintoki." asks you kyuubei wearing her new clothes. "Actually no and even if we go on dates in the end it ends with that." you say blushing and button up your shirt. "Isn't that good?" asks you kyuubei. "Yeah...but i too want to spend some romantic moments with him. He is always thinking just about that" you say desperately. "Ah. If you want then you can have this movie tickets. I became this from a customer. If it's a public place then he can't do you." says Otae and gives you 2 movie ticket. " I can really have this? Thank you" you say happy. "Oh don't thank me. That makes 3600 yen." says Otae with her usual smile. "What?!" you ask shocked. "Oh ...did you thought that i give it to you for free?" asks Otoe acting shocked. "Eh...." you say speechless. "Oh (Y/N) (Y/N), little innocent (Y/N), what am i going to do with you" says Otae shaking her head. " Eh....can it be that you are still angry about the boobs thing?" you ask her unsure. " Eh no no" says with a smile and dark aura surrounding her.

Timeskip - In Yorozuyas

"Are you ready Gintoki?" you ask standing outside. "yeah" says Gintoki and comes out with his usual outfit. "You didn't change your clothes, why did you take so much time?" you ask him annoyed. "Oh i needed time to stand up from the couch." says Gintoki lazy with one hand under his yukata, scratching his chest. "What.....We can talk about this later, we need to go! The movie is going to begin" you say and pull Gintoki with you.

Timeskip - In cinema

"Why are we at the last row, i can't see anything?" complaints Gintoki as he sits down. "That's not true, if you look closer you can see something" you say smiling, sitting down. "What is this movie actually about?" asks you Gintoki. "I ....don't know" you say unsure. ""What's this? There are not that many people here. I think that the movie will be bad" says Gintoki. "What?! Really? I think Tae was still angry at me about the boobs thing" you say in thoughts. "What?" asks Gintoki confused. "Ah you know that otae is flat- itee!" you shout as something. "Someone threw a popcorn box at me!" you say angry. "The only good thing here, is this couple seat" he says and lays an arm around your shoulders.

Timeskip - after 20 min

Gintoki moves a hand in your Yukata. "W-w-what are you doing?" you ask him stuttering while blushing. "Nothing, concentrate on the movie and don't mind me" he says and squeezes your boobs. "Ah~" you cover your mouth with both hands. He moves the other hand around your waist and presses your body against his. He kisses you on the lips. "Gintoki~♡" you kiss back and he inserts his tongue in your mouth. 5 minutes after the kissing, he removes his hands from your boobs and lifts you up and puts you down on his lap. You are now sitting on his lap with his chest pressed against your back. "We need to be quick" he says and takes his member out. "Oi stop it. You are going to do it here?! We are in public." you say in panic. "Ha? There are just 3-4 couples here and they can't even see us." says Gintoki with his mind on something else. "But-ahh~" you are interrupted as he squeezes your breasts again. He takes one of his hand from your boobs and goes under your yukata. He slides your underwear down, now they are on the floor. "Oi!" You shout. "psh~" he says and lifts your bum up. And lets it down on his member. "A-mngh~" before you could scream, Gintoki covers your mouth with his hand. "Oi! Not that loud" he whispers in your ear and removes his hand. He starts to thrust you up and down. You are holding on the seat before you.You are lucky that nobody is near you two and also not in the seat in front of you. "Mmmngh~ Gintoki~♡" You moan and grip tightly on the seat. He moves faster and harder. After a while you both are at your limit. "Gintoki~♡" you cum and he cums shortly after you. You both are breathless. He moves his arms around your waist and hugs you with his member still in you. "Mmngh Gintoki...we should clean up- ah~" you moan as you feel his member getting harder in you. "Don't moan, you are making it harder for me" he says smirking.


Otae's pov

They are still doing it and that here in public. "Otae-san, I brought the popcorn" says Gorilla. "Ah thanks" I say taking the popcorn box. How could it come to this.


I and Kondo are sitting on our place. "Otae-san! I'm really happy that you asked me for a date" say Kondo smiling like a Pervert. "I already said that this is not a date, we are here to spy on (Y/N) and Gintoki." I say blushing. "I know that but it still makes me happy to spend time with you" he says happy and I blush. "Urusee! Where are they, the movie is going to start soon." I say impatient. "Ah. I see them, they are there" says Kondo pointing at the two. The two sit down on their place and are talking about something. Their seats are a bit further away. "Otae here the Popcorn" says Kondo giving me the popcorn. "Ah thanks" i say and takes the popcorn box. Suddenly i hear something clear. "Ah you know that otae is flat-itee" says (Y/N) as i threw the box on her without thinking about it. "Eh... otae-san" says kondo sweatdropping. The movie started and it was dark to see them. After 30 min kondo stands up. "Otae-san. i'm going to buy new popcorn for you" says Kondo. " No i don-" before i could finish that, he was gone. Suddenly i hear (Y/N)'s voice. "Ahh!~ ahhn!~ Gintoki~♡" moans (Y/N) and I blush. All the other couples could hear them too and are red in face.

Flashback end

Kondo's pov

"Sorry that I took long, there was a long line at the counter" I say to Otae-san and she just nodded and was red in face. "Is something wrong?" I ask her. "Wha- What? N-no!" she says stuttering. "Ahh~" I hear something. "Otae-san, do you hear this too? What is this?" I ask in thoughts. She doesn't answers me and looks away. "Mmngh~ (Y/N)~ You're too tight~" I hear a voice and moaning. wait! I know this voice. "Ahhh~ Gintoki~ ♡" I hear a female voice moaning. "Otae-san, Is that..? " I ask her and she nods while looking down. "Otae-san can it be that you wanted that too and took me here?" I ask excited and Otae-san kicks me and i fly in the direction of the screen. "Otae-san~~~♡ " 

( Gintoki x Reader ) Gintoki, a lovely husband - arienai!! ~lemonWhere stories live. Discover now