8 Months

422 6 0

8th Month...

Britain was back in the hospital for a little check up but this time Finland and Sweden could make it, so it wasn't just Britain this time. Britain was back laying down on the hospital's bed and he didn't need to put on the gown this time. Finland was mostly bouncing up and down in his seat and telling the doctor how he wanted the baby to be born. "But first, we need to check the position of the baby because if the legs are down then Mr. Britain must deliver the baby in the hospital." said The doctor putting the gel on Britain's pregnant belly.

Britain felt the cold gel being moved slowly around his belly as the doctor checked for the position of baby. "Well.. That is good!" said The doctor in a happy voice. "You might be able to deliver the baby at home now because his head is down and not his feet." said The doctor wiping Britain's belly of the gel. The doctor showed them the door and Sweden sort of helped Britain out of the hospital. Britain's feet were really badly swollen from the pregnancy he was having..

They all got into Sweden's car and Britain sighed as he felt the baby moving from inside of him. Finland put his hand on Britain's pregnant belly and felt a strong kick. "Sweden! He kicked.." said Finland almost yelling in excitement. Britain Sighed softly as he put his right hand on the other side of his pregnant belly and could feel the baby moving slightly. "Not long now isn't it?" asked Finland putting on his belt. "I'm due in September so yeah it is quite soon." said Britain trying to but his belt on.

Sweden drove back to Britain's house, where Finland sort of helped him into his house. Britain opened the front door and heard a familiar voice running towards him. "Oh, la Grande-Bretagne.." said France running at Britain and slowly stopping before rubbing his pregnant belly. "France how did you get in my house? And why are you rubbing my belly..." shouted Britain pushing France away from him. "I was going to give you this card that Canada made but you weren't here, so I picked up the welcome mat and unlocked the front door. Also why I'm rubbing your belly is because it's huge!" explained France quite quickly before running off down the street towards a white car. "I don't know what is wrong with him..." sighed Britain.

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