When They Meet and Lost Her

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Third person POV aka your KAWAII Author-chan~

The Sakamaki brothers are in the living room waiting, just like their father, Karl (I think that's his name.... Right?) told them to. They all were there waiting for him for a while now.

Shu, as always is laying in a couch. Reiji is standing, next where Shu is. Kaito and Kanato, are sitting in another couch (of course, let's not forget about Teddy in Kanato's arms :3) Ayato, is sitting in a chair. And Subaru is leaning in a wall far away from everyone.

They all in silence till Subaru clicked his tongue with annoyance.

"I'm out of here!" He said pushing himself from the wall.

No one did or said anything. Just when Subaru was about to walk away and through the back door. The front door suddenly opened, revealing their father Karl. (Sorry I just don't remember his name -_-") He walked inside the house, everyone stared at him then they all notice a pink blanket in his arms.

"Time you get here!" Spoke Ayato with annoyance.

"Sorry my sons. I had trouble on the way back here." The father apologized to his sons.

Reiji suddenly cleared his troat to get the father attention. Karl turn his head to his second oldest son, having him know that he has his attention.

"Father, what do you have in your arms?" He asked and everyone turn to stare the pink blanket in his arms.

In that the father playfully snap his forehead with his hand. Then he started to walk towards them while starring down at the blanket with a soft smile in his face.

When he was in the middle of the room, he told him to come near to take a look. Reiji raise a brow and did what he was told. Just when he was in front of his father. The father carefully handed him the blanket to his arms. Everyone was confused on what is happening, so they all walk up towards the second oldest -except for Shu, cause his still being lazy while laying in the couch- and peek over his shoulder to take a look on the object.

Then Reiji pulled the blanket lower and in that moment all the sons -except for Shu- eyes went wide with both surprise and shock.

It was a baby girl. With dark green hair like Karl (I think it's green --_--?!) She has pale white skin with rosy pink cheeks.

The sons turn to look at their father then back at the infant

"W-what does this mean father?" Asked Kanato holding tightly Teddy close to him while staring at the infant.

The father chuckle at his sons reactions and reached his hand out to cup the infant cheeks. When his hand made contact on her skin, the infant eyes suddenly and slowly open revealing her beautiful fuchsia eyes with yellow tint on them.

When she look up at the sons then turn to look at the father while he has a smile, she then giggled and started to clap her hands. While doing this, the five sons heart's then melted on such cuteness at once.

"Sons." Called Karl to his sons. They all turn to look at him letting him know that he has their attention. "I want you to meet your new little sister, Rose, Sakamaki Rose." He said with a eye smile.

The five brothers stayed in silence for what seemed like hours till....

"WHAAAAAAAAAAAT?!!?!!?!!" They all -except for Shu lol- yelled in union.

Sakamaki's little Sister (Diabolik Lovers One shots)Where stories live. Discover now