When Rose get Sick 0_0'

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Here Rose already have 1 and can walk normal (she still wiggle a bit). And in this chapter Yui already meet everyone like about five months ago.

Okay enjoy my KAWAII POTATOS!♥^♥

Its night and everyone is in their rooms, sleeping (of courses what else the rooms are for.... HENTAI :3 ) Everyone was peaceful sleeping till a loud cry interrupted their -beauty- sleep. It was a loud cry from someone young. Their baby sister. Rose! Her scream was loud enough to be heard from the whole mansion. The Sakamaki's brothers all shoot up and dashed out from their rooms, towards of the room of their baby sister. When they all got their she wasn't alone. Yui was there in her pink nightgown with baby Rose in her arms. She got there fast cause her room is right next to hers. Yui had a tired look on her face and Rose was crying.

When Yui sense the brothers, she turn around, she then let put a relief sigh before walking towards them. Everyone stared at both of them and finally stared at Yui waiting for answers on what is going on. She notice it and look down at the crying baby Rose in her arms with a small frown on her face.

"She doesn't stop crying, doesn't want to drink her bottle and what's worst is that she has a very high fever." She informed before look up at the six brothers.

Everyone gasped on the mentioned that their baby sister is sick and that she has a terrible fever. Reiji walk up to her and stared down at his baby sister then at Yui. Yui then hand him his sister but it only made Rose to cry even louder.

"Crud, maybe you hold her till we figure out what to do, to calm her down." He said while handing Rose back to Yui's arms but she still won't stop crying.

"Maybe we should take her to the hospital." Suggest Kanato and he land a hand on her forehead before he yank is away. "She is very hot!"

Then Ayato through his arms in the air. "That's it! We're going to take her to the hospital!" He said and turn around but then stopped and turn to stare at Yui. "And you're coming too!" He ordered.

Yui nod her head before everyone else nod their heads too and dashed to the front door, to the limousine towards the hospital -Reiji is driving-. For their luck the hospital is still open, everyone hop out the limousine and dashed inside.

Time skip: brought to you by; baby Rose biting the doctor in the finger 0w0

Its been 20 minutes since everyone got back from the hospital and now baby Rose is sleeping in Yui's arms. Everyone -the Sakamaki brothers- are now back in their rooms sound asleep while Yui is in her own room, in her own bed, sleeping with baby Rose over her chest sleeping.

But what nobody notice is that there's a shadow staring at the two sleeping females but he was staring at one special then
another shadow appeared behind the first one.

"You just need to wait, soon you'll have her." Said the second shadow.

"I know and till I have her back I won't let anyone take her away from me again." Said the first shadow before a dark smirk appeared in his face. "My baby girl I'll see you soon."

Then both shadows disappeared in the shadow (okay I thing I said that wrong 0~0 nah YOLO)

You soon be back in my arms again my baby girl.

Sorry if its a short chapter!! Don't kill me!! *raise hands in surrender* its the school fault too many homework and I go to 1:20 - 7:30 pm and I arrived at 8:40 at my house cause my house is SO far away plus in the morning I wake up at 7:00 and then I have to do homework, eat breakfast, take a shower, my uniform, clean my room before I leave to school. So yeah I have a list of chores to do every day and on Saturday and Sunday is the only days that I have time to write and update a new chapter. But on Sunday I go to church with my grandmother at 8:00-10:00 am, plus I go to another church with my other grandmother at 7:00-9:00 pm. So yeah I have a VERY busy life. Good thing I don't work :'3 thank god.

"I know you love me god!"

God- yes my child I do!


Okay see ya later my KAWAII POTATOS ♥~♥

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