Rose's First Steps and Words

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Okay in this chapter baby Rose is now like about seven/eight months. I asked my mom how old baby is suppose to be to do what stuff.

So thank you mom!!!!

Everyone is in the living room setting and watching TV or playing with their baby sister.

Today is a sunny Sunday morning. Rose is in her crib sitting and playing with Teddy    -well she is only biting on one of his ear- while making baby noise.

"It's time for breakfast!" Called Reiji from the kitchen.

Everyone stood up from where they were sitting and walk towards the dining room. Forgetting someone important and leaving her alone in her crib. Rose did saw her brothers leave and walk away without her. But she only kept on chewing on Teddy's ear. She look around and saw something on top of the cafe table. A chocolate bar! She spit Teddy's ear out of her mouth and throw him to who knows where in the crib. She grab hold on the edge of the crib pushing herself up to her feet. Once she was on her feet she throw a leg over the edge and pushed herself over and land on the floor making a low thud. Good it that she landed on a pillow on the floor next to her crib. She roll over the pillow and got her hands and knees on the floor. She tried on pushing herself up and fell.... She did it again and this time she carefully got her balance. She took a step forward wiggling to a side and to another. She took another step and another. Once she finally got the hang of it she giggle and walk forward. But once she was only half way there the front door suddenly opened revealing a tall known man. The father! Once Karl entered and close the door and turn around only to take a gaze on the wonderful and precious sight of his young daughter. He stood there both shock and surprise on his daughter taking her first step and he is the first to notice.

Rose notice her father in present and turn her little head to his direction. She then laughed and giggled on seeing her father again and with a wiggly move she turn around and walk towards him. Karl notice his baby girl getting near he had a big wide smile on his face. So he kneel down and opened his arms to be welcome with a embrace of his baby girl.

"That's it Rose! Walk to your daddy!" He said with excitement.

Once she finally got near to him, she spread her arms around his neck and gave him a loving embrace. The father laughed and wrapped his arms around her and pick her up before standing up. He then spring her around but on what happen next made him want to cry with joy.

"D-da-dada!!" She yelled speaking her first words.

Karl then broke the embrace to stare in 100% shock on his daughter. But then a tear appeared in his eye and he hugged her once more before filling her face with kisses.

"That's it my baby!! I'm your Dada!!" He said smiling

"Dada!!! Dada!!!"

They both hug and spin around with happiness while back in the kitchen everyone was listening and watching the wonderful sight of their little baby sister saying her first words and first steps. But they were a bit. Jea.Lous. cause ...... Who knows?!

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