Chapter 3

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When Kurt woke up, despite being in a hospital for 3 months now, he still woke up wondering where he was and while he would tremble and shake before breaking into these gasping, wheezy whimpers. He felt long yet gentle arms wrap around him and pull him into a chest. Old spice and pine. Finn. He was being held by Finn. He knew Finn, trusted Finn. Finn never hurt him like Karofsky. Never threw him down the stairs and left him for dead. Stairs. He's in the hospital because he got thrown down the stairs. Pain. Oh god there was pain everywhere. Air was barely getting into Kurt's lungs as the boy came to whimper louder until he made choking sounds and seemed to scratch at the bandages. It was like hands were pressing on his neck.

"Kurt? Kurt, listen. You're safe. You're not there." Finn knew he couldn't touch Kurt when he was like this so he tried talking but that didn't work so he tried something else. Singing. He gently took Kurt's hands from his own throats and held them gently as he began to sing softly.

There's a gold frame,
That sits by the window.
And my heart breaks,
A little more each time I try,
To picture the memory inside.

There's a notebook,
It's to hard to read it
But if you look,
You'd see how you look through my eye's,
But now one more chapter's gone by,
And I know...

Kurt stopped trying to pull his hands from Finn's and stilled, listening to Finn sing to him. He seemed entranced and laid back, sinking his head into the pillow as Finn sang on. He tried not to shiver at how robotic Kurt seemed to calm down.

It's time to move on;
Even though I'm not ready.
I've got to be strong,
And trust where you're heading.
Even though It's not easy (not easy),
Right now the right kind of love...
Is the love that let's go, go

Kurt fell calm and turned carefully on his side as he looked at Finn who couldn't help but tear up again as a nurse came in and checked Kurt over again. When she unwrapped the bandage around his neck, Finn let a tear drop as he kept his eye contact with Kurt who wordlessly held out a hand and Finn took it, squeezing it gently. Nothing needed to be said but Kurt knew that Finn needed this reassurance. Finn waited for the nurse to leave before he bowed his head and sobbed in shame. Kurt just squeezed his hand and brought their clasped hands to his heart before pointing them at Finn and made a movement like he was throwing a football. Finn chuckled. He knows. Time learning made him understand sign language.

"I love you too Kurt. But I'm still so so sorry."

Kurt just waved it off and opened his arms, moving over. Finn peeked up a little, never denying a Kurt Hummel hug. He carefully got on the bed and let Kurt wrap his arms carefully around Finn, watching the wires. Four taps on Finn's left foot made Finn sigh. 'Best brother ever.' "I'm not the best brother ever. I couldn't even protect you from K- OW!" Kurt used his good foot to kick Finn's ankle. That was a sign for no. For no one to bring him up. "Sorry, forgot. Anyways, I couldn't protect you so how can I be the best?" "You found him, you stayed with him until Burt and Carole could get here." Quinn said, holding a pot of flowers, tears in her eyes as she leant against the doorway. Finn watched her as she walked in. Kurt opened his other arm and Quinn went to carefully come lie on his chest. Finn looked at her, taking her hand. "But you called." Quinn scoffed. "I called a number. You were the one traumatized with his blood all over you. You rode with him to the hospital, you gave them his information, you waited and you've been here everyday after Glee and haven't missed a day. I may not have a brother but if I had one, I'd want him to protect me like you do Kurt."

They began to whisper to each other while the boy slept on, his two friends holding him gently yet protectively until they had to get up so the nurse to check him over. The next time Kurt woke up, he had to get ready for physical therapy for his legs. Only one was broken and had healed but he had been lying in a bed since his arrival. He was pretty good at standing but it was taking his first step that nerved him. He was in that same position as he held onto the bars, his arms shaking. Quinn and Carole were behind him at the start while Finn and Burt were at the finish end. "Just take your time Kurt. If you want to stop, just tap one of the buttons on the bar and the light flickering will let us know." Kurt nodded and glared at his legs as if begging them to move. He took a deep breath and looked at his dad with pleading eyes, eyebrows raising. "You can do it buddy. I can't make your legs walk, you have to as well." Carole got an idea. "Doctor McKinnon, I read that usually it takes some form of encouragement other than family and friends to help them move. Is that true?" Kurt hoped it was because he was getting tired of only standing in this same spot. "It is. Is Kurt looking forward to anything?" Doctor McKinnon asked and Burt asked. "Said something about New York City. He's a dancer as well. Just think about that kid, I know you love to dance. Try taking a step for that." Burt suggested and Kurt nodded, looking at his feet and tried with all his might to at least push his foot but nothing happened. Burt looked at Finn who nodded and went to grab a bag. He turned and Kurt's eyes widened as he saw the label. When Finn gently put the bag down and pulled out an army green camouflage with black leather lettering on the back that was Marc Jacobs' label, Kurt wanted to run towards it and grab it. He even raised a hand to make a gesture that said 'give it to me Finn." But Finn shook his head as he held up the jacket and Kurt pouted. "You gotta walk to get it. Did we mention that the designer to made it special when he heard what happened to you?" Kurt gaped like a fish and gripped the bar. Tears sprang to his eyes and Finn began to feel bad when Quinn and Carole gasped, staring at Kurt's feet. "Hold the jacket back out." Quinn instructed as she and Carole came to Finn and Burt's side. Finn did as he was told with a confused look and gasped when he saw it. Kurt's feet were taking tiny centimeter steps towards the jacket.

"That's It Kurt. Keep going." Carole said as Kurt gripped the bars so hard to keep himself up and grimaced. "Remember you can stop Kurt." Doctor McKinnon said but she hoped he wouldn't since he was doing so well. Sweat matted his forehead and he stopped to breathe, coughing. 'Can't stop. I can't stop. I want to dance again. I want to walk again. I want to go home. I want to race again. Racing...the boy I kissed...his number! I want to see him! But first, I want that jacket. Must get..jack-shit.' Kurt moved to fast that his legs didn't catch up and he began to fall face first but Burt was there to catch him and wordlessly turned Kurt around so he can see the many blue tassels that Doctor McKinnon added to track his progress. He had nearly made it to the end. He dropped his head onto his father's lap and smiled when Burt kissed his forehead. "I'm so proud of you bud. I knew you could do it." Burt helped Kurt into his wheelchair and watched as Kurt accepted hugs and kisses on the cheek from Quinn and Carole. Doctor McKinnon gave her own hug. "Good job! I think someone earned that jacket don't you think?" Kurt nodded and held out his hands. Finn chuckled and put it around Kurt's shoulder like a cape. Kurt's smile grew where you could see his teeth and he seemed to hug his shoulders, nuzzling the jacket. "Can't say he hates it." Burt joked and thanked Doctor McKinnon before taking Kurt back to his hospital room. Finn lifted Kurt up gently and placed him on the bed, watching as Kurt moved the jacket carefully and held it, closing his eyes. It was then that when the three heard tiny, squeaky sobs, Carole leant over and hugged Kurt tight in a hug that only a mother could give. Kurt's shoulders shook as he sobbed. "Oh're welcome. It's okay, it's okay Kurt." She rubbed his back in small circles and hummed, rocking him. What the four didn't know was that three boys were watching them. When they walked away, the blonde patted his curly haired friend's back.

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