I own nothing but my character
at a bonfire the band kiss was hanging out with a bunch of girls when Eric carr sees a shy teenage girl over by her orange artic cat four wheeler but when he walked over to her she backed up an he saw a bandage around...
the band Kiss had some time off coming for it was winter time when their manage came in hey guy's we were invited to come to a big bondfire pary by an old friend of mine an he has a daughter that was attacked Paul, Gene, Ace an Eric were shock what happened to her Bill Eric asked her throat was cut but she all right but she cant talk right now an her father knows she love's your music so he invited us to come up an spend all the time we want in the counrty side. Am game Eric said beside's we can use the down time to relax an with Eric Ace said pluse there might be so cute counrty girl's at this party god know their will be alochol there the guy's went home to pack their thing's mean while my daughter i just got a phone call form my old friend Bill Aucoin the manger for the band Kiss you like an he said they will be coming to the bonfire party.
he saw his daughter jumping up an down since she still could not talk yet an she went out to her fourwheeler which is an orange artic cat an she went off to find the fire wood for the bondfire mean while on the road they guy's saw a girl on an orange fourwheeler an Bill told them that Michelle my friend Dale daughter she must be getting fire wood for the bondfire. they had just pulled up an got out when Michelle drove by them an parked her fourwheeler an an unhooked the chain from the fallen tree she found an she looked at them an Eric Carr saw she has the most beatiful blue eye's ever then they heard hey Bill you remember my daughter Michelle right yes she really has grown .
all right Michelle you can go an play in the snow an she smiled an ran an jumped on her fourwheeler an went to find more wood for the bondfire so Dale Billsaid who attacked your daughter an he sighed it was her ex boyfriend she found out he was cheating on her an when she told me i went to find him then that night he came back an attacked her thank god her fox that she rasied as a baby bite him an i heard him an came running but he had sliced her throat i call 911 an they cam an took her to the hospital. he then looked at the band your music has been the only thing to help her get thought this then they heard the door open an in walked Michelle but she was to shy to go up to the band an shack their hand's then a little white fox came running an jumped into her arms an licked her face an she went to her room she is really shy Kiss maybe while you are here you can help her over come her shyness an Paul, Gene, Ace an Eric looked at each other we can try now let me show you to your rooms you guy's are right a cross form my daughter room.
Eric Carr pov
i was unpacking his suitcase when i see the little white fox setting on the bed with a note in it mouth an i read the note Dear Eric Carr i think you are cute an i love the fox make-up until i can talk again i will write what i want to say to you an the other band members but am to shy to give you this in person so my little white fox will brang the note's to you signed Michelle. what that you got there Eric it a note from Michelle her little pet her brought it to me huh you must have made animpresen on her them i guess your right Ace then we went to see what Paul an Gene were doing an we found then drinking hot chocalte then i saw Michelle in the kitchen making something i then went to talk to her when she was me an left an she pot her coat on an went out side an we all heard a chainsaw .
we all saw form the window in the living room Michelle cutting up the fallen tree then we saw her stacking the wood for tonight i then grabbed my jacket an walked out side it see if i can help her but i could not find her so i went in side Dale an Bill were talking i then felt tiny paws on my leg an i looked down an it was Michelle pet fox so i picked him up an he licked me on the face then Dale said my daughter fox dose not go up to just anyone Eric Carr he must sent's something about you he like's. huh i said oh were is you daughter up in her room taking a nap oh her throat was hurting so i gave her a pain pill an she sleep for a while i then went to were Paul, Gene an Ace are an i saw they were reading a maguzin's or a book what worng Eric Paul asked nothing wrong i was just thinking about Michelle an i sat down on the couch when i saw a book on four wheelers an i picked it up an saw a polarish 330 artic cat was circled in a red marker i then looked out side an saw it was snowing out side.
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it was all most time for the bondfire i then saw Michelle come down stair's an go out side an got on her fourwheeler an went out in the filed an she started to dig a a ring in the dirt os the fire dose not get out of hand then she stacked the wood up on a pile an she rolled log's around for people to sit i saw she need help so i went to help her we rolled the log into place then i saw she had dissappaerd so i went back to the other's then we went out to the bond fire an a bunch of girl's showed up an i saw Paul, Gene an Ace were in heaven with all the girls. i then saw Michelle sitting on her fourwheeler looking sad i then walked over to her then i saw the bandages around her throat an my heart went out to her i went to move closer to her but she backed away an i saw she was scared i then pulled her into a hug an she clung to me an i rubbed curice's on her back we then heard a thud an we both saw Ace had fallen on his back form being drunk an i shoock my head when will he learn.
Michelle pov
i was out at the bondfire when i saw Eric Carr coming up to me i backed away an he saw the bandage's around my throath an he saw i was scared an he pulled me into a hug rubbed curice's on my back then we heard a thud an we both saw Ace had fallen on his back form being drunk an i shoock my head when will he learn i then tugged on his shirt sleeve an pointed to my four wheeler are you asking me if i like to got for a ride with you on your four wheeler an i nooded yes he said so we walked over an i strated up my four wheeler. i saw my dad smiling along with Bill Aucoin an i drove us away with the head light's on an i felt him holding on thigh i then took him to my favorite place on the farm wow this view is amazing i then walked over to a head stone an wiped the snow off an he saw the name on it here lays Donna wife, mother an best friend i started to cry for i miss my mother an Eric Carr pulled me into a hugg wethen went back to the bondfire an i saw my freind's were having a blast with the band.
i then took a pice of paper an wrote on it an gave it to Eric an he smiled at me an we went to the house an he helped me change the bandag's around my throat an i felt him touch the scar an i flinched away from him am sorry Michelle i waved him off an he put clean bandage's around my neck then we went back to the bond fire an i brought marshmellows an we rosted them i saw he had melted marshmellow on his nose an i was trying so hard to keep a straight face i then wiped it off his nose an he smiled at me an he hald me close. we both sat by the fire i then saw that Paul, Ace an Gene left with my friends look's like it just us Michelle Eric said i did not care i was with Eric Carr the Fox for the band Kiss the fire was dying down so we got on my four wheeler an went back to the house an i lead Eric up to my room an he was the only one i let in not even my father came in my room an i blushed when she saw my poster's of the band an he saw my cd's two then he saw the painting's i havedone .
i then went to change cloth's an i took a bath then i came back an he was looking at a photo of me , my dad an my mother from when i was little we both heard mone's coming for Paul, Gene an Ace room's am not going in there Eric said an he saw she shacking while i was smiling so he know i was laughing an i ponted to my bed an wrote on a pice of paper you can sleep with me if you want to .thank you Michelle i saw him go an grab some cloths an he came back an went into my bath room an changed an when he came out i saw he was tone am mucle's ever where an i started to blush we both crawled into bed i felt him pull me close an we both went to sleep with me in his arms.