Chapter two

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Eric Carr pov

i woke up an saw Michelle was still asleep in my arms an i smiled well she starting to not be so shy around him an the guy's then Michelle wake up an i see her beaitful blue eye's an i can't help but fall in love with her we both were just laying in bed when her pet Fox jumped on us an i had to laugh an Michelle shake her head an we got up an i got dress an Michelle went to the bathroom an got dressed i saw her in an black an orange out fit wow i said an she blushed a light pink an she wrote on a pice of a paper you are my favorite in the band Eric. i then kissed her forehead an she blushed even brighter we then went to make some breakfast i was watching Michelle cook when Ace snuck up behind me an i jumped god Ace don't do that you trying go give me a heart attack sorry Eric Ace said an we all eat breakfast wow Michelle Ace said this is amazing i agree then Paul an Gene got up an Michelle passed them their plate's an they eat an they said the same thing Ace said.

Michelle went to her father room an she kocked but their was no answer so she opened the door an we all heard glass break so we all came running my daughter an she backed away an ran out to her four wheeler really Bill Paul said an i went looking for Michelle an i saw her tire track's in the fresh snow an they are heading into the wood's an her dad said the other four wheeler is in the barn an he tossed me the key's an i grabbed my jacket an went out there an started it an took off after Michelle. i keep my eye's out for her orange four wheeler  i followed the track's to a big cave an i saw her four wheeler in side an she was sitting in front of a fire i then called to her an she looked to see me "E-E-Eric C-C-Carr " i can tell it hurt's her throat to try a speack but she has a beatiful voice i got off the four wheeler an walked over to her an i hugged her then she wrote in the dirt why did you come after me everyone in worried about you even your father an you did not know that Bill was gay.

race you back to the farm house she wrote in the dirt you are on but let's get out of the wood's first an she nooded an we got our our four wheeleers an drove out of the wood's an the race was on we were even on the snow then i saw the guy's an Michelle father an he was happy to see his daughter finnaly having fun i did not see a log under the snow an when i ran over it the four wheeler filped an Michelle was quick to acted by grabbing the winch on the front of her four wheeler an she got the other four wheeler off of me. " a-a-are y-y-you o-o-oaky E-E-Eric " yea am fine Michelle my daughter you can talk again an she glared at her father an he backed up we then went back to the Farm house an Michelle changed out of her wet cloth's an she came back wearing a black joging outfit an she sat beside me an i pulled her in my lap an we snuggled up by the fire i then heard Paul, Gene an Ace snickering an i glard at them  i then saw Michelle had fallen asleep on my lap.

Dale pov

am happy to see my daughter ture self coming back out an she is trying hard to speak but it going to take some time i then went to talk to Bill about something hey Bill i need to talk to you what up Dale i like you to look after my daughter for am dieing an am all the family she has i need someone i can trust to look after her i will be glad to Dale Bill said here is my will an in it i leave everything to my daughter. we both went to the living room an i saw my daughter sitting on Eric Carr lap a sleep an so was he an i looked at Bill smiling look's like some one has stolen my daughter's heart Bill an he said it look's that way Dale  he said chuckling i then then wewent into the kitchen an i got the stuff of to make my Daugther favortie dish which was fire squash i then saw my daughter wake up an she smiled when she smelled the squash frieing.

Paul then came in the kitchen what smells so good my daughter favortie dish fired squash i then fell to the floor an my daughter was by my side in no time an so was Paul thank's an i saw the the look in my daughter eye's am fine my daughter " n-n-no y-y-your n-n-not d-d-dad " well the truth is am dieing my little girl an i saw her eye's well up with tears an Paul hald her close are you sure Dale yes Paul the doctor's told me i have less then a month to live. i saw my daughter get up an go grab her jacket with fake fox fur an she went out side to her four wheeler then Eric woke up an saw my daughter was gone were Michelle i think she need's some time to her self right now Eric Paul said i then went out to the barn an up to the loft an i saw my ludwig drum's that i have been teaching my daughter to play those were happy day's for me i then saw a layer of dust on the floor an on my drum's so i cleaned them off.

i then went back is side an saw the time on the clock my daughter should have been back by now an i was starting to worrie i then went an got dressed an i was the band was worried were Michelle am going out to find my Daughter am coming with you Eric said us too Paul, Gene an Ace said i gave them the keys to the four wheeler's they will be riding an we set off to find my daughter.we spit up i went along the road an the band took the wood's i went to my neighbor to see if they have seen my daughter an they said no they have not seen her i wounder if the band Kiss found her i then joined up with them any luck finding her Eric think's he know's were she is well let's got an we followed Eric to a cave an i called my daughter's name nothing don't worry Dale we will find her Gene said.

Ace pov

i thought i saw something orange turned over so i drove over to it an i yelled GUY'S COME QUICK I FOUND HER an they came an her father saw her laying on the ground under her four wheeler we all set the four wheeler up right an saw her trying to get up but she keep falling down an i saw her leg was broken Michelle you broken your leg i saw her trying to get to her four wheeler an we all went back to the farm house an i saw Eric carry her up stair's an lay her on her bed. we all were out side her room other them Eric which was helping Michelle get undressed then we came in an saw her leg turning black an blue her father called a doctor an he came he said i need you all to hold her then he pulled out a needle an Michelle eye's went wide with fear just relax Michelle the doctorsaid an she went to punch him if Eric did not grab her arm then she went to sleep an he set her leg an wrapped it in a temparey cast which went up to her knee .

her father hand Erica pair of short's with stars on them an we walked out an Eric sliped her short's on her then the doctor gave her the madicen to wake her up now Michelle he said you have to stay off your leg until the blister go away an we an do surgury on your leg an he gave her crunchers an we all helped her get used to using them an she stepped on Gene foot " s-sorry M-MR S-SIMMONS " just call me Gene he told her an she smiled. me an Eric helped her down the stairs an into the living room an her father hat hot coco for us an i saw Eric sit next to Michelle an me, Paul, an Gene smiled Eric you have stolen her heart an she kissed his check i saw Michelle get up an go over to her cumputer an sit in the chair an i saw her blush then the screen came up an it was a photo of us in make-up  then i was her wathing a video her an her friend's playing in the mud that her father  took of them an we saw Michelle in a camo two pice swim suite an she was having a balst in the mud.

then her father called an said dinner was ready an she grabbed her crunchers an went into the kitchen an we all sat down a eat then Michelle got up an went to the stairs an went up an to her room do you guy's think you can help me with some this sure Dale what is it well i have a ludwig drum set out in the barn up in the loft i want to brang it in. sure we will help we then went an got the drum set an brought it in an Dale set it back up wow Eric said this is a nice drum set Dale thank's i was teaching my daughter to play the drumm's an i want her to have them well they could be shined up i said Ace is right Paul said  i saw a rag an can of polish an set to work shining up the drum kit.

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