chapter seven

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Narrator pov

when the guy's an Michelle got back to the manchin Michelle ran to her room crying an Eric went to her it will be okay Michelle we wan't let him hurt you hey i just got an idea let's get married right now an she looked at Eric an he took her hand guy's he called what is it Eric me an an Michelle are going to get married so Steve can't take her from me they all smiled an they saw Michelle come back with a very specail dress for it was black an orange an she blushed . " what are we going to do for a ring my Fox " i got it coverd Ace said come on Michelle an they went out to the limo wait up you two Eric said an they went to pick out a ring " i like this one guy's " nice chose missan Ace gotit for her then they went back to get dressed an everything they wore their make-up an creatuers of the night out fits an Paul did Michelle make-up to look just like Eric an he hugged her then Bill walked her down the ally an the preacher did his thing an soon Eric an Michelle were now married an they kissed .

when they came out the press was there taking photo's of Eric an Michelle then they got in the limo an they went back to the manchin an Michelle packed some of her cloth's for their honeymoon when Eric came up behind her you have made me so happy Michelle " not as happy as you made me Eric my sweet , sexy Fox " she giggled then they took their bag's out to Michelle truck but just as they were about to leave Steve showed up HOW DARE YOU MARRY SOMEONE ELSE MICHELLE. he pulled a gun out an he went to shoot her when Eric ran an tackled him to the ground an they fought over the gun an it went off Eric then got up an Steve was laying on the ground an Michelle ran to her husband " are you okay my Fox " yes my Vixen then the other's came out an Eric told them what happed an Ace called the police an they took Steve body away then Michelle an Eric left for their honeymoon so were are we going my wife " the beach myrtle beach i know the way we should he be there before dark " .

Eric was looking tho his wife cd's when he found the creatuer's of the night cd " that my favorite cd my love" an he kissed her while she was driving they had the window's down then they were stopped by a cop an given a police escort to the beach then they came to the beach an Eric was looking at all the hotel's an store's then they came to their hotel so which one are we staying at my wife an she looked at Eric " the wave rider " an she pulled in an they went to get their room key. then they went to their room finnally the guy's won't be showing up to spoil our fun this time my love " now they won't but let'sget some sleep it was a long day an drive down here then they changed cloth's an got into bed an Michelle snuggled into her husband chest then they heard this is Eric Carr an his wife room an in the morning out on the baclony they saw gift's address to them an they brought them in side an they opened them " look's like you fan's really do care about you my love" yes they do my Vixen then they changed an Michelle came out wearing a two pice orange an black bikini an Eric was wearing a oranf an black pair of swimming trunk's to match Michelle bikini.

Eric Pov

me an my wife were walking down to the beach an everyone saw us but they did not came over to use i went into the ocean with my wife was sun tanning i then came running up to her let's go to the pool i told her an we picked up our beach bag's an went to the pool an we were swimming when i saw what looked to be Paul, Gene an Ace an it was but they were with some girl's then i saw Ace look over at us an wave i then saw my wife get out an go to our room an i joined her " come on my Fox let's go to some of the store's" okay an we changed cloth's an went out to her truck . when we walked into one of the store's my wife was looking at the belly button ring's i then saw a place wear she could get it done an i took her there what can i help you with sir my wife is looking to get her belly button pirced well pick out the one you like to get it done with i saw my wife looking at a couple of one's with fox's " this one my love " nice chose ma'ma an i went back with my wife an they did it so quick it was all ready over with an they told her how to care for it an we left an we went to some ofthe shop's that sell belly button ring's an we picked out one's we both liked .

when we got back the guy's came over when Gene asked what did you do Michelle " oh you mean my new belly button ring i just got it done " an i kissed her Eric Paul said did you talk her into getting that done no Paul i did not she did it on her own i just helped her pick out which ring she wanted to get it done with well it look's great Michelle Ace said " thank's Ace " then we all went out to eat an we got a vip section an eat i then saw my wife looking sad what wrong my love " i miss my dad i just wish he could have had one more trip to the beach but i know he watching over me ". we then payed an left we went walking around the bordwalk since it was night the store's were all light up in different colored light's an their was firework's being set off an we all were injoying the cool night air the  it started to rain an the ligh't color's mixed together in the rain water on the ground then we went back to the hotel an my wife walked out on the bacloney an was watching it rain then i wrapped my arm's around her an she leand back .

we both listened to the sound of the rain while out on our bacloney wethen went inside an Michelle went to clean her belly button ring " Eric i don't want to go back home at the end of the week " i know how you feel my Vixen but we have to but you are coming on tour with us an i saw her smile " do i get to wear a custom two " she asked if you want then she kissed me an we went to bed. in the morning we were woken up to Paul knocking on the door grrrrrr i growled an got up an let them in you all know how to kill a mood sorry Eric an Michelle but have you seen Ace no we have not we just woke up but let us get dressed an we will help you look for him me an Michelle got dressed an went looking for Ace " there he"  is an we pulled up  come on buddy let's get you back to the hotel an Michelle cleaned his wound on his side " get some sleep Ace " thank's Eric an Michelle.

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