Chapter six

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Paul pov

we were heading back to do another photo shoot an so was Michelle so she load up her artic cat orange four wheeler an some cloth's in a bag an she followed us they said we are going to do the 4x4 photo shoot first Kiss fine with us we can watch Michelle then we all saw her come out with a towle around her please tell me this is not a nude photo shoot an he laughed no Mr. Starchild an Eric had is eye's glude to Michelle an we saw her walk over to her four wheeler an drop her towle an we all went wide eyed for she was wearing a camo two piece bikin. that it Michelle he said an she was working her body for the camera an driving Eric crazy all at the same time  an the way they had her on her four wheeler Michelle did not like it to bad there is not a place were we can get some shot of her on her four wheeler coverd in dirt an mud an i looked at the guy's but there is an he looked at us i then walked over to Michelle we are going out to your old home they want some shoot's of you an your four wheeler coverd in dirt an mud " great i can tear up the ground just like i did in the snow when you all came to stay with me an my"she stop we know you miss him Michelle an she started to cry an i pulled her into a hug.

we then loaded up her four wheeler an we followed Michelle to her old home an when we got there we heard Michelle fire up her four wheeler an wize passed us an the photograph was getting some great shoot's then we saw Michelle friend's come by on their four wheeler's then she came over to us an Eric kissed her right on the lip's an the photograph got a photo of them an they went back to her four wheeler. then he said let's get some shoot's of the band here i looked at Gene, Ace an Eric why not an we saw Michelle was tearing up the filed on her four wheeler with her friend's i then saw Michelle head into the wood's with her Friend's i wounder were they went to Ace said we will find out after we get done here then the photograph said that was great thank's guy's then they left an we got on Michelle other four wheeler's an went looking for them an we found Michelle an her Friend's an a mud pit an they were riding tho it laughing and having a good time well know we know what Michelle like 's to do Eric said then we heard well , well , well if it not Michelle an we saw some guy staring at her.

leave my girlfriend alone Eric said an he looked at Eric stay out of this Fox boy " HO HELL NO YOU DID NOT JUST CALL MY BOYFRIEND THAT STEVE " Michelle yelled at him an he walked down to her an what are you going to do about it Michelle an we all saw her grabb a knife an stab him in the leg wow Ace said an he backed away form Michelle an her friend's grabbed him an Michelle beat the shit out of him an she bloody his nose an gave him a black eye then she grabed her knife " know am going to do to you what you did to me Steve " an she cut his throat but not to bad but he will need to go to the hospital. then they dropped him an left an we went back to Michelle old home an we saw her go in side an head to the shower to wash all the mud off of her i saw Eric sneak in then he came running out with her cloth's " ERIC CARR YOU BRANG BACK MY CLOTH'S RIGHT NOW OR NO SEX'S FOR YOU TONIGHT AM I MEAN IT " i looked at him go give her cloth's back right now Eric oh all right he said luaghing then we heard sorry my Vixen i had to have some fun with you " get out of here will you so i can get dressed will you" an he came out then Michelle came out wearing a very short black leather mini skirt,  knee high black leather boot's, a black leather vest an a v cut in the front that showed off her curves and black fingerless gloves that came to her shoulders wow was all we could say.

Gene pov

i then saw something on her shoulder that was not there before an i walked around her an saw it was a bite mark Michelle were you attacked by a wolf " huh oh no that was my pet fox he was only playing when he bite me an he was still a baby too well let's get back to the manchin it getting late an we all left after Michelle loaded up her four wheeler's an we headed home an when we got back Michelle pet fox came running to her an jumped into her arm's an we saw Bill came running dang he is fast " why were you chasing  my pet Bill" because he stole a pice of paper i need to sign Michelle then looked at her fox " Snow go an get the paper an brang it here now " i watched Michelle little white fox brang Bill the paper.  it amazes me how you get that little fox to leason to you Michelle i told her " well Gene i saved him as a baby his mother was killed by a hunter on our land an i was not going to let him die " then snow jumped onto her shoulder's then she went to her room i knocked on her door an she opened it are you okay Michelle " yea am fine Gene just tired well good night " good night Michelle an she shut the door i was sitting on the couch when i saw Paul, Ace an Eric walk in to the living room were Michelle she went to bed we have to cheer her up i then saw her truck out side the window i got an idea your her favorite Eric so let's have her truck painted black an orange to suprsies her an Ace said with Fox decales that a great idea Paul said but how do we keep her form finding out i had not thought about that just yet.

we all went to bed an in the morning i woke up an saw that Michelle truck was gone an so was her orange artic cat four wheeler i went to her room an she was gone GUY'S WAKE THE FUCK UP MICHELLE IS GONE they came running were could she have gone i don't know hey here is a note Ace said an i read the note hey guy's when you wake up i will be gone for am going out to my old home to spend the day out in the country because let's face it the city is not for me am a country girl an all way's will be we breathed a sigh at lest she left this for us Eric said. come on an we packed our cloth's an went to the limo an went out to Michelle old home an we saw her four wheeler down by a pond were is she then we all saw her pop up from under the water then she swam to the shore an walked out you scared us to death Michelle an she looked down were not mad at you but you could have told us " look i needed my space okay am not used to having people look out for me other than my family an they are gone so please let me have my space that all i ask"  we did not relise we were croweding you Michelle were sorry an Eric pulled her into a hugg then she giggled what he asked " your all wet now " an he laughed with her i guess i am he said.

we all went back to her home an there was a note on her door hald in place with a knife an Michelle read it " YOU THINK YOU CAN ESCAPE ME MICHELLE I WILL FIND YOU AN I WILL KILL YOU IF YOU DO NOT MARRIE ME AN DON'T THINK YOUR NEW BOYFRIEND WILL STAND IN MY WAY I WILL HAVE YOU ONE WAY OR ANTOHER " i then took the note from her an i saw it was Steve that left it come on we are going to the police Me, Paul an Ace got in the limo an Michelle an Eric got in her truck . we then came to the police what make you think he will kill her this i told the officer an he read the note right i will get this right out to all of our officer's Mr. Simmons we then left an went back an got Michelle four wheeler an we went back to the manchin an when we came in Michelle ran to her room crying an Eric went to her i then called our guard's an told them were ever Michelle gose we want guard's with her yes sir they said .

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