Chapter four

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Narrator pov

The guys's were still looking for Michelle but she had went deeper into the wood's an she drug a tree branch behind her an to not leave any track's for she did not want to be found the guy's meet back up any sign of her no Ace said then they saw Dale neighbor  came up to them riding on his horse i came when i got a phone call that said Dale was gone were Michelle she took off into the wood's Paul said. oh nowe have to find her there are wolves in the wood's at night Eric was prying they find her in time then he stopped for he sawan red fox an it wanted him to follow it so he an Ace did then they saw Michelle four wheeler in front of a cabin an they went in an sitting in a chair in front of the fire place was Michelle asleep Eric then went an woke her up an she jumped an swung at him whoo there Michelle it us an she backed up " am so sorry Eric " an she ran to him an she cried her eye's out .

Ace had put the fire out an they all got on their four wheeler's an went to find Paul an Gene an they saw them an they came over an they all went back to Michelle home an Michelle went up stairs an started to pack her thing's when the guy's came what are you doing Michelle Paul asked " when you all were here my dad asked  Bill Aucoin if anything happened to him if he would look after me " she then started to take her poster's down an roll them up an put them in a box then she packed up her cd's.  Eric put his hand on her shoulder an he pulled her close to him  an she hugged him it will be all right Michelle now it late i sujecst we go to bed an we can help you pack in the morning Michelle an Eric sleep in each other's arms but Michelle could not sleep " Eric i can't sleep for am so hot right now an i don't know why " i know why he said an Eric attacked her lips in a  kiss then he got up an locked the door an he started up kiss her again.

Warning if you are not 18 please do not read

Eric found the bottom of Michelle shirt an he pulled it over her head an throw it on the floor an he saw she had no bra on then he slid her bottom's off then he littery rip her underwear off then Michelle found the bottom of his shirt an pulled it over her head an throw it on the floor an she yanked his pant's an boxer's down at the same time then he kissed down her neck to her scar while he played with her brest Michelle hald in a mone so she would not wake the other's then Eric kissed all the way down to her core an he slid his tough in her an licked her. he then reached in to his pant's pocket an pulled out a foil packet an he took on ened an Michelle took the other end  in her teeth an they both ripped it open an he put it on quick ready my Vixen " yes my Fox " an he enterd  her an Michelle winched in pain for this was her first time Eric let her come to his size then he started to move slow then he picked up his pace then he went faster he know she was close an so was he  Eric was out of breath an so was Michelle.

Eric pov

i am happy to be having sexs with my Vixen an as soon as we rest we were at it again this time i did not use a condum i felt Michelle giving me a blow job  an i was trying not to mone so i would not wake Paul, Gene an Ace i then came in her mouth i layed back on the bed an she straddiled my lap i slid my dick back in her an she bunched up an down an we both held in our mone's i was close an so was Michelle she then gave me another blow job an i came in her mouth we rested an went at it again until we could not move.

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we both got up an went to her bath room an took a shower together i then saw a tattoo on her back of a fox an my icon an i thought she really dose like me then she turned off the water an we both got out an dressed an Michelle throw her torn underwaer in the trash an i hide the foil packet deep in the trash so Paul, Gene an Ace did not find out what we did i then washed my hands an we got back into bed we intertwined our leg's an i was careful of her hurt leg then she layed her head on my chest an she went to sleep i was smiling at my Vixen. then i went to sleep in the morning i woke up an i saw Paul, Gene an Ace standing in Michelle door way do you guy's ever knock an they laughed i then saw Michelle was still asleep then she woke up an saw them an she turned beat red in the face an i shoed them away an we got up dressed i went down stair's then Ace said we know what you two did last night an i spit my drink out an he laughed how did you find then Ace said i woke up last night an i heard you two going at it an i turned three shade's of red in the face from what Ace said.

i heard Michelle coming down the stairs with a box in her hand's an i saw her take a set of key's off the key borad an she went out to the barn an we all heard the sound of a diesel start up an we saw a black dodge diesel truck come out of the barn an Michelle was driving it an she shut it off an went to finnish packing her thing's an she had them all packed an i helped her load them in the back of her truck. i then saw her hook a trailer to the back of her truck an she loaded the four wheeler's up then we came in side an we sat on the couch when the phone rang i got it Paul said hello how is this Paul asked an he looked at Michelle an he asked do you know a Steve an i saw the look in her eye's " i have nothing to say to that basterd he the one that sliced my throat Paul " she dose not want to talk to you an he hung up an Michelle got up an went up to her father room an she came back with a leather vest an a pair of knee high leather boot's.

Michelle pov

i then locked the house up for i did not want any one to break in until i could come back anget the reast of my stuff then Paul , Gene an Ace got into the limo while Eric rode with me in my truck Michelle an i looked at Eric are you okay " i don't know Eric first i lose my mother at the age of ten an now this " an he layed his hand on my shoulder we will help you get thro this Michelle " thanks Eric " i saw them turn on to the highway an i followed them it was hot in the cab of my truch was i put my window down an the wind was blowing tho my hair. i heard Eric chucking at something i then turned on my radio an my favorite song was on creatuers of the night an i was singing along to it an i turned real quick an saw Eric face an i had to laugh Michelle i did not know you could sing like that " am just naturally gifted Eric " i heard him on his cell phone guy's you have to hear Michelle sing an i waited for then next song an i smiled for it was ac/dc who made who an i sang to it two guy's Eric said an i saw him smiled the guy's want to know would you like join the band .

" hell yes i will " she said yes guy's i then saw we came to a big manchen " an here i thought my home was big" an Eric laughed come on Michelle an we grabbed box's an took them to my new room then i unhooked the trailer with the four wheeler's an i unloaded them an i went in side an sat on the couch an my pet fox that i brought with me jumped on my lap .  i wa sitting there when i felt someone's hand's over my eye's then guess how " ACE FREHLEY AM GOING TO HURT YOU " an he took off running " GET BACK HERE SPACEMAN" NO WAY MICHELLE i then saw him an he was talking to Gene now's my chance i thought i then went an got a bucket of ice cubs an snuck up behind him an dumped them down his shirt COLD he said an Gene laughed " payback's are a bitch Ace " an i hald ass to my four wheeler an passed Paul an Eric laughing then they saw Ace running after me an i drove away.

i then drove down to the wood's that were behind the manchin i then turned around an went backto the manchin an i saw Eric petting my little white fox i then went to my room an layed down then i heard my door open an it was Paul how are you holding up Michelle " fine i guess Paul it just ilost my mother at the age of ten an now my father " an he hugged me then he left an i was trying to sleep but i could not then Eric came in an he kissed me an i melted into his kiss for i was putey in his hand's . i then winched form the pain in my shoulders an i felt his hand musage my shoulder's an i leand into his touch i then felt feather like kiss  on my neck along the scar i closed my eye's as Eric worked his magic on my sore mucles i then heard a knock on my door an Eric opened it you okay Michelle Gene asked " yea just sore for some reason " well your in good hand's with Eric here an he left an Eric came over to me come on the hot tube is out back an i changed into mt black and orange swimsuite an we went out tothe hot tube .

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