Little Talks

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Reuben's POV:

    I watched with tears as Jesse walked away with her friends. I knew how this goes. Once she decides she doesn't want me anymore, she'd stop seeing me. And then I'd be forgotten. Left to follow her for the rest of my life knowing that she'd left me. Small tears streamed down my face at the thought. I don't want to be forgotten. Oh, Jesse, please don't forget me.

Jesse POV:

    I hummed as I walked along the road on my way to the restaurant. I was wearing a simple pink, lace dress with a thin black belt at the waist. I kept my hair as it usually was and was wearing shiny black flats to match the belt of my dress.

(Look at image above)

  I smiled as Lukas came into my vision. He waved as he noticed me approaching and gave me a friendly wave. He was leaning against the wall of the outside of the restaurant. He was wearing his usual leather jacket and dark jeans. I smiled and waved back to him.

    "Hey, Jesse. You look nice," he said. I could swear I saw a hint of a blush on his cheeks, but I quickly dismissed it. I was probably just imagining it. "Thanks," I giggled, clasping my hands together in front of me as we started to walk into the restaurant. We were quickly seated by one of the waitresses who told us we would be served shortly before handing us both a menu. Lukas slowly looked up from his.

    "What are you going to order?" he asked. I shrugged. "I don't know. Probably just spaghetti," I said. He nodded. I had chosen one of the few things that didn't involve meat. I was a vegetarian. "I might get that too. I heard it's really good here," he said. I smiled. "Have you ever been here before?" he asked. I shook my head. "Never. Have you?" I asked. He chuckled.

    "Only once. But my parents used to always come here on dates and stuff and they'd always tell me about how great the food was," he said. I slowly nodded as he spoke. "Cool," I said. I'd never really been the best at holding a conversation, which was okay because Lukas seemed to be able to do it on his own. I smiled as I looked back to Lukas.

    Before, I had always needed Reuben. He was the only one who I could really actually connect with. But... maybe I don't need him anymore. Axel and Olivia always told me to make more real friends. Maybe this is my chance. I can actually have a real friend and not be considered a freak. I can still talk to Reuben at home... right?


Lukas POV:

    I smiled as I watched Jesse laugh at one of the many jokes I had told. Truth be told, I had always been pretty confident around girls. Most of them seemed to like me, so I usually didn't need to try very hard to get one to like me. But Jesse was different. She wasn't interested in my good looks or social status. She actually liked me for me. Every time I made her laugh or smile, it was like I had just been granted a wish.

    I laughed along with Jesse. Her laugh was so contagious. I felt a sense of accomplishment knowing that I could make such a beautiful girl laugh. But I know I can't have her. None of my friends would approve. But at least for tonight, I can pretend that I can.

Jesse POV:

    I smiled as I finally stopped laughing. I'd never connected with anyone like I do to Lukas. I wish I'd been friends with him sooner. He had a way of knowing exactly what would make me laugh and what would make me smile. I grinned as he gave me another one of his dorky grins. Lukas had always been popular because of his good looks and social status. But I'd never really payed attention to any of that. I had, however, come to notice the other things about him.

    How he couldn't help but grin like a dork whenever he was happy, how he laughed way too easily, how he relaxed so much when he wasn't with his other friends... honestly, Lukas is so normal and so... nice... I can't help but wonder why he hangs out with the other ocelots. I mean, he has to know his team is comprised of jerks. I wanted to ask him, but I felt like it would be a mean thing to say, so I kept my mouth shut.

    Lukas leaned back in his seat, crossing his arms behind his head as he looked back to me. "I was just wondering, why have I never seen your parents?" he asked. My heart dropped a little as he brought up the subject. "Oh, um... they um... passed away. When I was little. I've been with Axel and Olivia ever since," I said. His smile turned to a frown and he brought his arms down. "Oh. I'm so sorry. I... I had no idea," he said. I shrugged. "It's fine." We sat in silence for a few seconds before a question popped into my head. "What about yours?" I asked. "What?" he said. "Your parents," I said.

    "Oh. They moved across the country a few years ago," he said. I nodded. "Do you ever visit them?" I asked. He shook his head. "Not really," he said. I nodded. "Why not?" I asked. He shrugged. "I don't know. I guess the ocelots keep me pretty busy," he said. I looked down. "Not to be bossy or anything, but maybe you should. I mean, I have no place in telling you what to do with your life, but... Your parents won't be around forever. Not to be morbid, but they might not even be around tomorrow," I said. He nodded. "Maybe I should," he said.

Lukas POV:

    The rest of the evening passed by in a bright mood, but I couldn't shake what Jesse had said. Maybe I really should visit my parents.

Hope you guys like it :)

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