The Call

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Lukas POV:

    I'm thirteen years old and in seventh grade. I frown as I sit in science class, taking notes. I was copying down one of the bullet points when suddenly we hear a loud bang. A gun. The kids in my class start to scream as my teacher quickly gets up to close and lock the door.

We all scramble to find a hiding spot. "The teacher looks out the small window in the door before turning to us. "We're not gonna make it," he says. I feel small tears threaten to spill, but none come out. I breath slowly trying to calm myself before my heart drops. I forgot to tell my parents I loved them before I left for school this morning. Just then, the door to our classroom burst open.

I jolted awake from the nightmare, breathing heavily. That was the first thing to cross my mind. Did I tell my parents I love them? I slowly regained my breath and calmed down. I was still thinking about what Jesse had told me at the restaurant. I sighed and looked at my nightstand before grabbing my phone off of it and dialing my parents' number.

I hold the phone to my ear, hoping they would pick up. The phone rings several times, and I'm about to give up when I hear someone pick it up. "Hello?" they ask. My dad. I start to tear up. "Dad?" I say. He's silent for a moment, and I almost think he'll hang up, before he speaks again. "Lukas?" he asks. I nod even though he can't see me. "Yeah. It's me," I say. "Why, you haven't called in years," he says, and I could hear the shock in his voice. I choke back tears.

"I know," I said. "So what compelled you to call us at six a.m. after years of refusing to talk to us?" he asked. It was actually three a.m. where I was. "I just... I just wanted to tell you guys that I love you," I said. My dad was silent for a moment and I could hear him telling my mom. "We love you too, son," he finally said. I smiled as we said our goodbyes and hung up.

Jesse POV:

    I frowned as I woke up the next morning. I still hadn't seen Reuben anywhere. I sighed and looked down at my covers for a few seconds before throwing them off of me. I decided to go to town to get breakfast today. Maybe I'll go to that bakery that I love. I smiled at the thought. I hadn't gone in forever.

    I quickly got dressed and left for the bakery, the thought of Reuben leaving my mind. I shivered as I walked through the streets. A cold breeze sent a chill up my spine. It had snowed overnight, so the ground was completely white, and, had it not been freezing, I would have enjoyed the beauty of it. I looked down at the ground, hugging my arms in an attempt to warm up, when I ran head first into someone. I held my head and looked up to see Aiden with the other ocelots behind him. "Watch it!" he growled. He looked up to find me, and his glare quickly returned to a cocky smirk.

    "Oh. Well if it isn't the little freak," he said, causing Maya and Gill to laugh. Lukas stayed in the back, looking down. I looked up at him with a frown. A part of my wanted to punch him. To kick him in the shin and scream at him. But the other part of me couldn't move. Couldn't talk. Couldn't do anything. I don't know why I froze up like I did. I tried to will myself to walk away, but my feet remained in place.

    "Not even gonna say anything?" he asked with a smirk, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I looked away, still silent. He laughed. "What a loser," he said. I started to look back up at him before I felt him shove me. I'm a small girl, and Aiden's a pretty strong guy. He sent me stumbling back before I fell flat on my back. The snow immediately sent chills everywhere in my body and I felt small tears start to stream down my face.

    "Aw, is Jesse gonna cry?" Aiden mocked. "Why don't you go to your imaginary friend for help?" Maya taunted. Aiden was about to speak again when Lukas shoved through them. "Guys, stop. She didn't do anything to you," he said, holding out his hand to me. I stared at it for a few seconds before gratefully accepting it. He pulled me up before turning back to them. "Lukas, come on. You always kill the fun," Aiden smirked. Lukas glared at him. "Just leave her alone. You three can keep heading to the bakery. I'll catch up," he said sternly. Aiden glared at me before turning and leaving, Maya and Gill following behind him. Lukas watched them leave before turning to me. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and looked down, rubbing my arms in an attempt to keep warm. Lukas must've noticed because he took his jacket off and wrapped it around me.

    I opened my mouth to object, not wanting to cause him any trouble, but I was too shaken and tired to say anything. "You can give it back to me later," he said, giving me a small smile. I smiled back. "Thanks," I said quietly, too tired to say more. "I called my parents this morning," he said. My eyes widened. "Really?" I asked. He nodded. "Yeah. I've been thinking about what you said," he said. I looked down, not knowing what to say. "Well, I've got to go. I'll see you later," he said before turning around and running off towards the other ocelots. I smiled after him and hugged his jacket tighter around me. He actually remembered what I said.

Hope you guys like it :) I meant to post this last night but I found out a friend of mine died from cancer so I was a bit preoccupied. Writing helps take my mind off it, though, so I'll probably be writing a lot in the future. Anyways, I actually based Lukas' dream off of one that I had because I thought it was a good idea for it. Again, I hope you guys like it :D

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2017 ⏰

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