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Ezra's POV
Aria was discharged from the hospital a couple days ago, and I'm really worried about her.
She hasn't been herself lately. She's been shutting me out, and she barely says a word to me. She won't eat, and all she does Is really just lay in our bed all day. She's also been having a lot of nightmares about A.D, the last few days.

I was currently planning a surprise for Aria, while she was asleep. She's been asleep for the past 3 hours which is probably the longest shes stayed asleep in days.

Aria's POV
Spencer, Alison, Hanna, and I were running through the woods. A.D was running after us. It was like there was no escape and we were just running in circles. We all came to a stop when another A appeared in front of us. "There's two of them." We all said surprised, and A pulled out a gun before a gunshot went off, and a scream echoed.

I woke up with a jolt, and a scream gasping for air. It was like I was having a panic attack. I tried to convince myself it wasn't real.
"Relax Aria, it was just a dream you and your friends are all okay." One part of me told myself, thinking positively.
"Yeah you're all okay right now but what happens next? You're never completely safe from A." The other part of me, the negative side kept saying.

Ezra must of heard me scream because he came running into the room. With a look of panic written across his face.
"What happened?! Are you okay?!" He asked frantically.
I nodded my head, still trying to calm myself down.
"Another nightmare?" He concernedly asked, sitting down on the bed next to me.
"Yeah." I said, Finally calming myself down.
Ezra pulled me into a tight hug kissing my head multiple times.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Ezra asked me softly.
I shook my head quickly, burying it further into Ezra's chest.
"Aria are you sure you're okay? You've been having a lot of nightmares lately." Ezra told me.
"I'm fine." I said quickly not sure of who I was trying to convince.
"Do you want some breakfast?" Ezra asked me.
"I'm not hungry." I answered quickly.
"Aria you've barely been eating anything lately, you've barely been sleeping. I'm worried about you." Ezra told me grabbing my hands.
"I'm fine, Ezra." I said.
"Aria, I know your not fine. I know you to well. Talk to me, don't shut me out." Ezra pleaded.
"There's nothing to talk about." I said stubbornly.
"Aria,please talk to me. I'm worried about you." Ezra told me again.
"Fine you want to know what's wrong! I killled our baby and I have to deal with that every day! It's my fault and if I wasn't so stupid our child would still be alive! Do you have any idea what it's like to deal with that?" I yelled letting the tears run freely down my cheeks.
"Aria it was my child too. Your not the only one going through this." Ezra said slowly with an upset look on his face.
"Ezra, that's not what I meant." I quickly apologized.
Ezra nodded. "It's fine. But Aria how many times do I have to tell you that it's not your fault, and to not blame yourself?"
"Well it's because of my stupidity." I said quietly, but Ezra heard me anyways.
"Aria." Ezra said sternly. "Please stop blaming yourself."
"Sorry." I apologized.
"And I'm pretty sure I said something before about how I never wanted to hear you say that again." Ezra pointed out, smiling.
That got me to crack a smile and laugh. The first real genuine smile in a week.
Ezra then smiled and laughed.
"What are you smiling at?" I asked him.
"You, I like when you smile." Ezra told me making me blush and smile even wider.
Ezra leaned in kissing me passionately.
"I. love. you" Ezra told me between kisses.
"Well that's good because I kind of love you too." I told him, earning a laugh and another kiss.

We needed some Ezria fluff in this story, and there's plenty more of fluff to come. Sorry it took me a little while to update. But I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you guys so much for 1,000 reads! Please vote and comment! Love you guys!

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