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Chapter 4
Concurrently in Moscow. Czar Paul sat on his throne. His crown shining in the light. The room has beautiful chandeliers and smooth red carpet. The announcer proclaims to the king," A man comes from the Commonwealth with news"
Czar Paul ordered," let him in but do not announce him
A servant walked into the room and bowed. The Czar shook his head and he rose. The Servant spoke saying," Diplomat Adrian has continued to eye Princess Marcella"
Czar Paul leaned back and asked," what is wrong with that?"
The Servant responded," with all due respect your majesty she is taken by Prince David of Austria"
The Czar put his hand on his head and yelled," We cannot allow Lord Adrian to do this!"
The King called out," Award this man gold and call all my advisors except Lord Michael"
The next morning Adrian told Sir Henry. "Henry, the king says you can come to the meetings and prayer services."

"That is great" Henry responded.

The 2 men separated into their 2 bedrooms, which is in the foreign part of the castle.
1 week later
"You know Henry today is Saint Valentine's Day back home" Aidan said.

"It doesn't affect me I do not have a love" Henry said.

Adrian finished tying his old-fashioned bow tie and looked in the mirror. He said," we will one day have very pretty wives"

"Hopefully" Henry responded. The Russian and his Irish colleague walk into Krakow. The streets are clean, police flood the streets, and horses and chariots flood the roads. The 2 of them went to a restaurant to eat local Polish food. The 2 explored town and the many shops. The common people looked at them as they were kings. They traveled in a chariot and wore long bright cloaks.

After exploring town, the gentleman went back to the room. Both gentlemen went to sleep in there fresh and royal chambers. Right before midnight there was a knock at the Diplomats door. Adrian who was only wearing a long white shirt and typical linen pants opened the door. There stood the princess, in her pink night gown. "Princess what could I do for you" Adrian asked as he slightly bowed.

"Lord Adrian pardon the interruption, but I need to tell you something" Princess Marcella said.

Lord Adrian opened the door a bit more and asked," what is it Princess?"

"Actually, never mind, I need to go" the Princess said.

The lord grabbed her arm and said," tell me what it is please"

"I will tell you tomorrow" the princess said as she tried to shake her way out of his strong hands.

Adrian said," I know what it is you wanted to tell me"

"What?" the princess asked as she turned around and faced him.

The Lord loosened his grip and guessed," I think you feel the same way I do" The Princess looked him in the eye and shook her head. The Russian and Pole looked at each other in silence. Finally, Adrian moved in quickly and kissed her. Right next to the window which reflected the moonlight of the night. The soft lips of the princess continued to press against the cold lips of Adrian.
Adrian's heart was racing and his mind went to thought. "How did I get here?" He asked himself.
He flashbacked to the many memories of Paul and him as young adults. Paul an already high ranked young Lord helped Adrian become a respected man of society. Adrian's father Lord Michael became proud of his son, the Eastern Orthodox church respected Adrian, The Noblemen found him a pleasure in society, Queen Catherine also began to respect him as a future Lord, and the Noblewomen found him irresistible. He knew women loved him but he never thought he would have a Princess as beautiful as Marcella in his arms.
The princess backed up, smiled, and said," good night Lord Adrian of the Grand Duchy of Moscow". Marcella lightly touched his hand and left his chambers.
Chapter 5
"Get up Adrian!" Henry yelled.

Adrian slightly opened his eyes and saw Henry standing. In his typical green cloak, with a bow tie, and matching pants. The front of his bright red hair standing tall as usual. Adrian then said," What do you want?"

Henry took the blanket off Adrian and yelled," its mid-day and you have a letter from the czar. Adrian slowly got out of bed, stretched and called out," Servant!"

"Yes, my lord" the female servant said as he came running in. Lay out my clothing and help me dress.

The servant lowered her head and said," of course"

She looked in the closet and picked out a fresh white shirt, red cloak, red old fashioned bow tie, and matching pants. Adrian put on the shirt and said," read me what Paul said"

Henry opened the letter as the Servant helped him into his pants. Henry read the letter aloud:
Dear Diplomat, Lord Adrian of the Grand Duchy of Moscow,

There is something I need you to do in Moscow. A carriage will pick you up the morning of the 13th of May. You will be stationed here for thirty days, after that you will return to court and continue your great work.

Best regards,
Czar Paul 1 King of Russia and head of the Grand Duchy of Moscow.

The servant helped Adrian with his cloak as he said," this is horrible"

"Why?" Henry asked.

The Russian looked at the servant and shook his head. The Servant lightly bowed and left. The Russian sat down and said," the Princess and I are; attracted to each other.

Henry looked at Adrian and said," It is all because of me"

"Yes definitely" Adrian responded.

Later that day toward nightfall Adrian saw the princess walk into the Garden. There she stood, in her big dress and her beautiful self. Adrian went up to her, she put out her hand and said," oh Diplomat it is great to see you" Adrian gently kissed her on the hand and whispered," Paul is making me go back to Moscow for a month"

The Princess said," when you get back we will tell my parents about us"

"As you wish Marcella" Adrian said.

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