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Chapter 12
4 Months Later
The last four months are full of pure happiness. Trade is increased between the Commonwealth and Russia. The Princess and Lord take their time before marriage. All good things must come to an end as a new guest comes to Poland. By the name of Nicholas. He came from the Ottoman Empire. As he got off his carriage there was no announcement no grand entrance. He came into court. Everyone looked at the man. He was darker, he was dressed in a vest, he had no coat, long black hair, light facial hair, and was a younger gentleman.

As he talked toward the kings chambers everyone looked at him. What was an Ottoman doing in Poland?" the people whispered.

The man walked to the king's throne room. The African slave stood in front of the door and asked," do you have an appointment?"

The king opened the door himself and said," let Lord Nicholas in"

Adrian and Marcella sat next to each other on the seat watching the guests walking in. Lord Nicholas came up to them and bowed. Lord Adrian stood up and shook Nicholas's hand. "Lord Adrian I have heard much about you" Nicholas said

Lord Nicholas continued saying," the man who turned all odds"

Nicholas slightly bowed as he greeted Marcella. Marcella hugged Nicholas and said," it has been so long where have you been?"

"Marcella I have been in my country, I've missed you much" Nicholas said.

The dark man left their presence and bowed to the King and Queen. "What are you here for Nicholas?" the King asked.
"I am here to propose an alliance" Nicholas said.

"With the Ottoman Empire?" Curtiss asked.

"The nations of Europe will laugh at us" King Curtiss said

"However, you will have more influence in Africa and a route to British India." Lord Nicholas said.

"What about Austria?" King Curtiss asked.

Nicholas smiled and said," that is where our militaries work together"

"Let me think about it, for now you may stay at court" Curtiss said.

"Of course, your majesty" Nicholas said. He bowed and left the room.

A few minutes after Nicholas leaves the room Adrian and Marcella leave to go to lunch. "Do you like Nicholas?" Marcella asked as they walked.

"He is kind, he seems to be a good friend of yours" Adrian said.

"He really is we have known each other since we were kids" She said. They walked to their dining room in the garden and had a romantic lunch.

Chapter 13
Marcella walked to her chambers after dinner that night and Adrian went on a walk. He ran into Lord Nicholas. "Lord Nicholas what are you up to at this hour?" Adrian asked.

"I came to tell you that once Marcella is done with you, she is mine" Lord Nicholas responded.

"What did you just tell me?" Adrian asked as he rose his voice.

Lord Nicholas said," you heard me loud and clear"

"Stay away from the Princess!" Adrian yelled.

Some of the servants began to look as Lord Nicholas got closer to Adrian and yelled," do not tell me what to do!"

"She's my love and she will stay that way" Adrian said.

Nicholas laughed and said," you really think a Princess like Marcella would be interested in you over me. She said she will go to Istanbul with me. I will make sure to send you a portrait of us"

Adrian threw his coat on the ground. He became very mad, He sweat like he was in the warm province of Georgia, and his face turned bright red. He yelled," guards take this man away!"

They grabbed Nicholas by the collar and dragged him to the dungeon. Marcella came out of her room into the hallway and yelled," Adrian what are you doing!"

"Are you going to Istanbul with this man?" Adrian asked.

"Why would you think that Adrian" Marcella asked.

Marcella and Adrian looked at Nicholas and he said," you are a selfish man Adrian"
"Adrian do not do this, this is my friend" Marcella pleaded as she sobbed.

"What the hell Adrian!" She screamed.

"Banish this man from court or I am leaving" Adrian said.

"Fine Adrian!" She yelled.

Adrian pulled his sleeve back down and walked away. Still in anger.
Chapter 14
Adrian walked down to the dungeon the next morning. There stood Marcella visiting Nicholas. "Good morning Marcella" Adrian said.

"Why hasn't he left court yet?" Adrian asked.

"I thought about it and decided it is not my place" Marcella said.

"Alright you chose your path" Adrian said.

"Adrian please do not leave, I love you" Marcella said.

Adrian turned around and faced the stair case leading up to the palace. "I can't promise I will be back, I am suspending the engagement for now"

Adrian packed his bags quickly and went to the queen. "I am leaving court indefinitely, I need to find myself."

"I cannot believe Marcella would define you to defend that man" The queen said.

"Good bye" Lord Adrian said. He bowed and left her presence.

He put his bags in his royal carriage and the driver asked," Where are you headed?"

"Bring me to Kalingrad" Adrian demanded.

"Yak!" the driver yelled as the whip hit the horse. Adrian took his last look at the Polish palace.

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