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Chapter 19
Adrian stayed in his room for 3 days. Lady Gabrielle and Sir Henry brought Adrian food. He was heartbroken. He was not the same. The love he felt for Marcella was different than he ever felt for anyone. The weekly meeting with the king and the other diplomats is this afternoon.

Adrian and Henry went to the meeting room and Prince David was there. Holding hands with Princess Marcella.

"Just ignore it Adrian" Sir Henry said. The entire meeting Lord Adrian stared at Prince David and his wicked smile. When the King dismissed the meeting Adrian was relieved he could leave. Everyone left and the King said," Adrian stay"

Henry and Adrian looked at the king and Adrian said," yes your majesty"

"Arrest this man" King Curtiss said.

"On what grounds?" Henry asked.

"Russia attacked us again, so he will be detained until we leave a state of war" The king said.

A soldier tied a rope on his hands and the King said," Sir Henry, you and Lady Gabrielle will not be detained because you have other citizenships, however it is recommended you leave"

"Diplomat, Lord Adrian of the Grand Duchy of Moscow you are being detained for being an enemy of the state" The soldier said.

"Take him away" The Queen demanded.

The soldier escorted him out of the room and Prince David stood there with a smile on his face as he sees his enemy being thrown away.

Chapter 20
Adrian was escorted to the dungeon and watched closely by the soldiers. After a few hours, Prince David walks in. The soldiers bowed to him. "Leave the room" He demanded.

The soldiers left the room and David looked at Adrian. "What do you want?" Adrian asked sobbing

David then put his hand on the bar and said," I want you gone"

"What could you do I already lost everything" Adrian stated.

"I will have mercy on you, here is a first-class ticket to the new world. Take it and never come back to Eastern Europe." Prince David said.

"What if I don't?" Adrian asked.

"The king will most likely execute you" King David said.

"What of Henry and Gabrielle though?" Adrian said.

David pulled out 2 other tickets and said," They will take trains back home. Henry has a choice to go back to Russia or Ireland this train ticket is to Normandy where he will take a boat to Ireland."

"Give us the tickets" Adrian said.

"I will be back here at nightfall we will meet your colleagues and you will depart. Do not stop I don't know how long you will be able to leave the country" Prince David said.
"Why are you doing this David?" Lord Adrian asked.

"You will be in more pain alive then dead" David said.
Chapter 20 Part 2
At nightfall Prince David came to the dungeon and broke the lock. King David said," you leave now"

King David and Lord Adrian went to the courtyard. There awaited Sir Henry, Lady Gabriella, and 3 horses. Prince David gave them the tickets and said," Lady Gabriella take the horse to the train station you can leave it there and get on the train leaving to Sweden, Adrian take this horse go to the Northern port, and take the ship going to America it leaves in 2 days."

"How about sir henry?" Lord Adrian asked.

"He still hasn't made his yet, Ireland or Russia?" Prince David asked.

"I want to go to the new world with you Adrian" Henry said.

"Your future is in Ireland go there" Adrian responded.

"Of course Adrian" Henry said.

The three had a group hug and there was much tears. "Write to the czar when you get to Ireland tell him all that's happened"
Prince David then said," you need to get going"

"Thank you" Adrian said to his colleagues as he got on his horse. Adrian rode away followed by his 2 colleagues in different directions

Chapter 21
Sir Henry arrived in Ireland 4 days after the departure. He went to the Irish court and wrote a letter to the czar,"
Dear Czar Paul 1 King of Russia and Head of the Grand duchy of Moscow

I have had to abdicate to Ireland. Lady Gabrielle a noblewoman from Sweden and a friend of Lord Adrian has fled to Sweden. The situation in Poland got very serious, the Polish king had Lord Adrian arrested. This is a clear violation of European customs as Adrian was guilty of nothing and has diplomatic immunity. Lord Adrian has fled to the new world. The engagement was broken off by King Curtiss. King Curtiss has disrespected our country time and time again. But more importantly he has disrespected our friend. Please take necessary action to ensure there will be no future problems.

Sir Henry of the Kingdom of Ireland and the Grand Duchy of Moscow"
The letter made its way to Russia in 4 days. "A letter for you your majesty" A servant said.

Czar Paul was looking out the window, looking at the fields and he ordered," put it on the table"

Czar Paul sat down at his glass desk and read the note. On the front it said," Kingdom of Ireland"

After the Czar read the letter he called out," Josephine!"

She came into the room. Black hair, blue eyes, and a tight black dress. "Yes, my love?" she asked.

Paul stood up and said," call my Generals we are going to war with the Commonwealth"

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