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Chapter 15
Meanwhile in Ireland, Sir Henry enters the Embassy. A Russian flag waves at the front. The door man opened the door, he walked in wearing a typical red coat and a matching suit.
The Irish man sat at the head diplomats desk. The office was very big almost palace like. The secretary opened the door and said, "Madam Grace here for audience"
A small elderly woman with blonde hair wearing a black dress walked in. She sat down on the guest chair as Henry does not look up from his papers. "What can the Government of Russia do for you?" Henry asked.
The old lady responded saying," I have had a vision"
"You really expect me to believe that you some old Irish subject has some kind of gift" Henry said as he looked up.
The old Grace closed her eyes and said," in one minute a rock will hit the window and shatter it"
The Irish Diplomat counted to 60 and at exactly 60 seconds a rock was thrown by a Gardner. Henry looked at Grace and said," what do you want for the vision"
"I want asylum to the Alaskan colony" Grace said.
"That is a fair trade" Henry responded.
She closed her eyes and began to shake. She spoke in a loud tone saying," A palace, a king, tears, and death."
A tear rolled down her cheek and she grabbed onto the arms of the chair and yelled," Adrian!"
The woman opened her eyes and Sir Henry had already began signing her papers. When he finished, he put them all in a folder and said," there is a envelope with gold in here, give it to a captain to take you across the channel then use the Russian priority pass to get through France, the Protestant Confederation, Poland, and Russia. Thank you, madam Grace,"
She slightly bowed and said," the gratitude is all mine my lord"
Chapter 15 Part 2
After two days of traveling the Lord arrived in Kalingrad. He entered a hotel and checked in. The clerk said," Diplomat Adrian it is a pleasure having you staying with us"

He went down to his room. The stairs had a beautiful red carpet. The hotel was 3 floors. He arrived in his room and met his neighbors. Sir Nathan and his wife Abigail from Norway were staying in the room on the left of him. On his right was a man from Spain by the name of Sir Instinct. In the room in front of him was a wealthy independent woman from Sweden by the named of Lady Gabriella.

The 5 of them went to dinner near the hotel. They went to a fancy Russian restaurant. "What's your story Adrian?" Nathan asked. Everyone looked at Adrian as he spoke.

"Well I am, or was a diplomat and was engaged to the princess of Poland. I worked hard to get where I am today. Then a man from the Ottoman Empire came and she took his side over mine, I don't know what will happen in Poland between the diplomat and the princess but I am no one's second."

"You know you should fight for what's yours" Lady Gabriella said.

"Yes, Lord Adrian, you worked hard for her. This man needs to learn his place" Abigail said.

"We will help you fight" Sir Nathan said.

Lord Adrian smiled and said," thank you so much"

"I will help you as well" Instinct said.

"Do not forget about me" said Lady Gabriella.
Lord Adrian stood up and said," we leave at the crack of dawn"

Chapter 16
The group went to the palace. At the gates a soldier went up to the carriage. "Identification please" he said.

The diplomat looked through the window and the soldier said," My lord, please pardon my mistake"

"Open the gate!" the soldier yelled.

The 2 carriages went through the gates and the people of the palace came out to greet Lord Adrian. The announcer yelled," welcome Diplomat, Lord, Adrian of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and his colleagues"

The diplomat went up to the Princess with his new group behind him. Every, nobleman, servant, military man, slave, and monarch watched this. "Marcella, you have a choice, Nicholas or me you have till sundown to decide"

Adrian walked into court and there stood King Curtiss and his Queen. Diplomat Adrian bowed and said," your majesty"

"Welcome back Adrian" He said.

Adrian then said," I would like my previous arrangement back along with lounging for my colleagues"

"Your wish will be granted" the Queen said.

Later that night, after dinner Marcella went up to Adrian. "Hello Marcella" Adrian said.

"Fine Adrian I will banish him" The Princess said.

"For real this time?" Adrian asked.

"Come with me" the Princess said.

The couple went to Nicholas's chamber. "Yes?" he asked as he opened the door.

"I want you gone by dawn" Marcella said.

"Marcella why?" Nicholas asked.

The princess turned around and walked away. Not looking back at the man who almost ruined her engagement.

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