1: The Arrival

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Author's Note: Sorry this chapter is so sucky, my dudes! I was just really exited to get this out there, so I posted this without really giving any thought to detail n' junk. Hopefully, you still like it! Also, we mention a Time Lord named Wilbur at one point. This is a reference to another story we wrote. Don't worry if you don't understand it.

                                                                                                                                                                  ~ Julia 

 "Dude, I need to write something, or my brain is going to explode, or something."

Jace's head snapped up, a cocky smirk twisting his lips into a roguish grin.

"You need to...WRIGHT something?!" He asked, choking out the words as if he wished he hadn't had said anything, but did anyway. Julia's gaze quickly flitted to her best friend, grinning wildly as she and Jace broke into a roaring chorus of, "OOOOOOHHHHHHAAHHAHAAAAA!"

Jace snorted, reverting back to Julia's original statement as he replied, "But, yeah, I know that feeling, dude. Just roll with it, you'll think of something to write. You're good with that."

His friend grinned, sheepishly as she quickly retorted, "No, I am not! I suck at this! You're a much better author than I am-"

"No, I'm not." Jace chuckled quietly.

"-AND you don't give yourself enough credit for your amazing work!" Julia finished, shaking her head in a mix of certainty and annoyance.

SNORT "That's a lie, I suck. I'm trash." Jace's smile began to slowly fade.

Julia growled, leaned over and punched the older boy squarely in the arm. "YOU. ARE. AMAZING. I will punch you again with friendship if you say anything different!"

Jace quickly responded with, "Don't worry, I won't." before turning back to the rough, half-written first draft of Oh, Baby sitting in his lap. His accomplice, apparently satisfied, also drifted her attention to the Google Doc copy of Haunted Trees, lit dimly on the screen of her laptop.

Jace was a tall, slender boy with long, curly brown hair and warm brown eyes to die for. Julia, on the other hand, though she was about as tall as her friend, was slightly chubby and very pale, with shoulder-length brown hair and dim eyes. They were currently sitting in Jace's basement, writing books and talking about bad fanfiction like they normally did whenever they hung out.

The two of them sat there, both secretly hoping that they were not boring the other, when Julia's head jerked up, staring blankly at the wall. "Dude, did you hear that?"

"It was probably Steve," Jace offered, mentioning the nickname of his loud dog, Kenzi. However, he knew this wasn't the case, as the sound, which he had heard as clear as day, was not a harsh barking noise, but instead, a whirring, creaking hum, followed by a tremendous, crashing BOOM as the basement shook hard enough to knock Jace off the couch.

Julia screamed, out of habit, clutching her ears to block out the noise. "What the hell was that?!" She cried, her eyes filling with fear.

"I dunno..." Jace responded, quietly. "But we should go upstairs to figure out what's going on."

"A-Are you sure?" Julia stuttered, slowly standing up from the couch and shaking in her sneakers. "I mean, if it's an earthquake or a nuclear bomb or something, we'd be a lot safer down here, right?"

"Probably..." Jace though for about half a second before adding, "But, we need to know what we're up against, here. That way, we'll at least have SOME idea what to do."

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