Chapter 4: Hide and Seek

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May 3, 2009

Christians Pov;

Music floods through the hall, blaring from the kitchen, and I follow it knowing Leila is the source of it. She can't hear me as I sit down at the breakfast bar and silently watch her work. She stands in only her nightshirt and panties as she sways her hips back and forth to the beat as Beyoncé's voice blasts from the speakers. I can just make out Leila's voice among the ruckus. She's singing along. The sound of her sweet singing voice brings a smile to my face. She finishes the omelet she started cooking and places it carefully on a plate, trying to keep everything as neat as possible. She then turns on her heels and sets the plate in front of me with a smile. She doesn't appear startled at all by my presence. Maybe she heard me come in after all. "You're unusually happy this morning." I take a bite out of the omelet she made me and her grin deepens. "Yes, sir." She says, in agreement with my assessment. The music stops with the push of a button and she slips into the seat next to me, plate in hand. We eat our breakfast together in a comfortable silence, only broken by my pause to compliment her on her immaculate cooking skills. "Finished?" She nods and I take hold of her hand. "Come. You can clean this up later." I grab her by both hands and escort her to the bathroom.

Leila eyes me curiously as I tug my shirt off by the collar and twist a knob in the shower to make the hot water come on. Her eyes dart to the spray of water and I see a flicker of desire in her dark eyes. "Arms up." I strip her out of her thin nightshirt and panties while she remains completely impassive, her eyes downcast to the floor. "Get in and get yourself soaped up." She nods and as she moves to step into the shower I give her backside a light smack. She hops in and hisses when the water hits her hands. "Too hot?" I ask, with a small sadistic smile on my face. "Here." I adjust the temperature on the shower to more of a lukewarm than scalding. She follows my orders and begins to wash herself, lathering peach scented soap all over her dripping body. I pause for a while to watch her, enjoying the show, as her hands skim along her middle and down between her thighs. Her hands linger on her breasts and I see her head tilt back slightly as she hums to herself. My fingers tug at my sweat pants and I step out of them, letting the grey fabric drop to the floor. I join her in the shower and quickly replace her soap covered hands with my own. "I think you're enjoying this a little too much." I take both her hands in one of mine and hold them behind her back. "Keep your hands here." I release her hands and she does as I say, keeping them behind her back. My hands slide up under her arms and cup her breasts. "Is this what you want?" I roll her nipples between my fingers and she leans back into me and moans. "Please, Master." She whispers. I keep one hand in place, doing just that, as my other hand slides between her thighs and my fingers ease into her. Her soft moans are barely audible over the shower, but I can see her mouth open from pleasure. I tug her hair to the side, out of my way, and push myself into her from behind. The steam from the shower creates my handprint on the shower wall as I hold both of us up.

Later in the evening, when the sun is just setting, Leila pads into the great room. I miss a note in the song I was playing on the grand piano from looking up to watch her entrance. She's all wrapped up in her silver satin robe, but I can tell she's got nothing on underneath. I restart my song as she leans against the piano to listen. She shuffles impatiently when she realizes I'm not going to stop playing to give her the attention she wants. I stop playing and glare up at her. "Go back to your room, Leila. I'll be up there later to say goodnight." She doesn't budge, she just looks at me and pouts. "Your room, Leila." I say, rougher this time. "I want to watch you play." She mutters, softly. Her fingers tug at the shoulder of her robe and it inches down a bit, showing a slit of her chest. "Leila, I won't tell you again. You're distracting me. Go back to your room." She smiles, but doesn't move. "Do you want the belt?" Her lips twitch as if she's going to laugh, but she composes herself. "If you want to hit me, you'll have to catch me." She challenges, taking a few small steps back. I cock my head to one side and get up on my feet, ready to grab her, but she takes off running. Her laughter fills the halls as I chase after her. She's not running fast but every time I almost catch her she evades me. It's infuriating. "Leila, don't." I reach out to grab her, but she slips around the entryway and down the hall to Taylor's room. Fucking hell! There's only one place she could be heading and that's Taylor's room. I sprint the rest of the way there and find her hiding in Taylor's room, just as I thought. Her tiny body is pressed up against the wall and mostly hidden behind Taylor, but I can just make her out. "Excuse me, Taylor." He steps out of my way and Leila grins at me, her eyes alight with mischief. "Gotcha." I grab her hand and nearly drag her out of his room and into the hallway. When were entirely out of Taylor's line of sight I throw her over my shoulder and take her to the playroom. When she's naked and trussed up on the x, I slather her body in hot oil and put one of my more aggressive pairs of nipple clamps on her. "This is why you shouldn't run from me." I say, as my whip smacks into the back of her thighs. I whip her over and over as she writhes beneath my assault. "Will you ever do that again?" I ask and she shakes her head. "I won't run, Master." She moans as I remove the nipple clamps, clearly enjoying her punishment.

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