Chapter 15: Pushing Limits

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August 19, 2011

Leila's Pov;

Christian is sitting at his desk when I approach him. He looks stressed about something, but I can't tell what. It must be something at work. "Leila." He says my name and I come to him and crawl into his lap. "Yes, master." I search his eyes for some clue as to what he's feeling, but his expression remains blank. "You seem happy this evening." He states, catching onto my cheerful mood. "I am." I beam at him. How could I not be when I've just received such wonderful news? "Good." A touch of a smile tugs on his perfect lips. "How about if you meet me in the playroom in about five minutes?" He suggests, seeming more questioning than demanding. "I'd like that very much." I whisper. Then I lean in and give him a tender kiss on the cheek.

August 20, 2011

Christian's Pov;

I pace back and forth in the foyer, steaming from the argument I just had on the phone with Andrea. I know I shouldn't have taken out my anger on her and I'll have to apologize tomorrow, but I'm still fuming from losing my most recent business deal I had been pursuing. "Christian." Leila's soft voice from behind me causes me to stop my pacing and turn around. One look at her delicate face and I feel my anger soften. I could really use a trip to the playroom with her right now. "May I speak? I have something I'd like to tell you." I arch a brow at her, wondering what she wants to tell me that she feels she couldn't just come out and say. "You may." I give her my permission and she seems to become visibly nervous. "What is it?" I ask, trying to keep my voice gentle, hoping to encourage her to talk. I don't like to be kept waiting. "Are you okay? I heard you yelling on the phone. You seemed upset."  She looks up at me, eyes wide. "I'm fine, Leila." She nods, but says nothing more. "What did you want to tell me?" I ask, more stern now. She chews at her lower lip for a moment, then steps towards me and wraps her arms around me. She positions herself up on her tiptoes and tilts her head to the side so her lips are against my ear. "I'm carrying your child inside of me." She whispers and my heart drops. I stare at her blankly as she pulls away from me to look at my expression, smiling sweetly. "What?" I mutter, half only to myself. "I've already spoken to your mother. She's very excited to be a grandmother." She continues, grinning up at me. "My mother?" She nods, reaching her hands up to my shoulders. "You called Grace!" I shove her hands off me. "Shh...this is a good thing. I know you love me and I know you're going to love our baby too." She says, running her hands up and down the length of my arms, trying to soothe me. "You did this on purpose? You think I want this?" I can't contain my anger, it's like an explosion just went off in my head. She pouts, reaching out towards me. She runs her fingers through my hair and I freeze at her touch. "It's okay. Don't be afraid." She coos, stroking her fingertips through my hair. She rubs up against me just slightly, and I can feel her warmth through my clothes. I want her so bad. I hate her so much. I don't understand this. I need her off me. I shove her off me, and she blinks at me, stunned. "Christian, calm down. Just let me help you calm down." She pleads with me, trying once more to pull me into her embrace. "You know how to make how your feeling go away. You can take me to the playroom, right now. Do whatever you want to me." Her words are sickening to me. I don't want anything to do with her. How can she not see that? "Leila, I'm only going to tell you one more time. You need to stay the fuck away from me!" I push her off me, this time with more force. She winces slightly, but she doesn't run as I expected her to. She reaches for me again, this time she grabs my hand. I can't think past the blinding rage building inside of me. Instead of pushing her hand back again I grab onto her wrist with force and hold her in front of me. "Stop trying to fucking touch me! Can't you see I don't want you! I don't want any of this!" I'm only partly aware that with every word my grip on her has tightened. "You had no right to call my mother! She's probably scared to death right now. What the fuck is wrong with you? You cancelled your appointments behind my back! You lied to me about taking your shots! You fucking got yourself knocked up as part of some ridiculous plan you've made up where we're going to be together and be some kind of happy fucking family! I've got news for you, Leila! That's never going to happen!" I scream all the thoughts that are running through my brain straight into her face. I don't care when I see tears start to drip down her face. I can't feel anything other than pure rage. "Hey, let go of her!" Taylor's voice breaks through our heated moment as he bursts in and runs to us. I stare at Leila for a moment. I don't release my grip on her at all. "You need to get away from her. Let her go." Taylor commands his hand planted firmly on my shoulder, ready to either hold me back or push me off. I twist her arm back violently, then I shove her into Taylor's arms and storm out the door into the rain soaked street.

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