Chapter 16: Damage Control

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August 19/20, 2011

Christian's Pov;

Rain drips down my face and body, soaking my clothes, as I walk through the streets. I'm not even sure where I'm going until I see the exterior of Esclava still lit up across the road. My feet take me there without a second thought and as I approach the door I see Elena is inside. I take a deep, calming breath. Then I knock on the door and wait while she comes to unlock it. She pulls the door open and smirks at me. "Christian." She greets me, then steps aside so I can step inside. "Is something wrong? You usually don't come to see me this late at night, especially when you've got someone waiting at home." I shake my head, unable to form an appropriate response. I don't know what to tell her about Leila. I'm not even sure why I came here in the first place. "You're upset about something. Talk to me." She brushes her fingertips over my bicep and I shiver away from the touch. I don't want a relationship with her like that, but she doesn't seem to get the message. She's my past, not my future. "Somethings wrong with Leila." I state, blankly. "Oh? I'm sorry to hear that. I can get you a new submissive if you'd like. Someone better." I shake my head. "This isn't something you can fix. Actually, Elena. I don't think I want your help anymore. I don't want you to find me anymore subs." I ignore the look of shock on her face. "I think that we should just keep our relationship strictly business now." I keep my voice, cool and calm, emotionless. "Christian you don't mean that. You need all those things. You need me." She purrs, making my blood boil. "You don't know a thing about what I need." I storm out of the salon and make my way down the street to the nearest bar. I need to blow off steam and clearly talking to Elena won't do me any good.

A few drinks in, I'm sitting alone at the bar, and a woman approaches me. She starts to introduce herself to me but I cut her off at once. "I wan't to be alone." I growl, glaring at her. She backs off immediately, looking intimidated, and I'm free to finish off another round of drinks without any further interruptions. When I'm on the verge of being too drunk to stand I decide it's time I head back to the apartment. I can deal with Leila in the morning, but I need to be home and have had some rest before I can do that. The cab drops me off outside the apartment and I stumble inside and through the elevator doors into the foyer. I fall onto the end of the couch, only halfway landing on it my consciousness evaporates.

When I come to, there's sun coming through the windows and someone's fingers are fiddling with my hair. "Fuck!" I bolt upright, only to see Leila curled up next to me. "You smell like bourbon and you left a giant wet spot on the couch." She says, eyeing me curiously. "Where'd you go?" I frown, looking at my still damp couch cushions. I'll likely have to buy a new one after covering it with rain water. I run my fingers through my hair, looking her up and down. She's still in her clothes from the night before and the dark circles under her eyes have gotten deeper. "Have you slept?" She shakes her head, indicating that she has not slept at all since yesterday. "I was worried about you." She whispers. "Oh, Leila. Let me get you cleaned up? You can take a bath and then I can put you to bed." I offer and she giggles. "I think it's you who needs to take a bath." I smile at her comment. "Okay, me first, then you." I agree.

Leila is in her room, sitting on the bed, when I finish my shower. "Hey." I approach her cautiously, just now taking notice of the brace on her wrist. She seems to notice me staring because she moves her arm out of my view. "It's just a sprain. Taylor took me to the hospital after you left." Shit. Seeing what I did to her brings up painful memories from my childhood. Memories of the crack whore and her pimp, the things he did to me and to her... I swallow hard. "Leila, I'm so sorry." I move to sit down on the bed with her and her lips turn up into a smile. "It's nothing...Don't worry about the hospital visit either. I didn't tell anybody you did it. Our contract is still intact." She glances up at me, her expression unreadable. She's more concerned about the contract than her own well-being and even the safety of the baby inside her. The thought bothers me deeply. "I don't care about the contract. Let's go get you cleaned up and something to eat, then you can take a nap." She nods in agreement and allows me to take her into the bathroom and assist her in getting cleaned up. I'm careful not to touch the braced part of her arm.

She sits at the breakfast bar, freshly bathed, and watches as I try my best to make her something she can eat in the kitchen. I throw together a seemingly edible sandwich and set it on a plate in front of her. "I hope this will work. I'm not used to this cooking thing." She laughs, inspecting the sandwich. "I think this will be just fine." She assures me, then takes a bite, putting me further at ease. While she's eating, I walk out of her earshot to call my mother. I manage to calm her down and assure her that we can talk more about my complex situation with Leila at another time. Thankfully she hasn't told anyone about her conversation with Leila other than my dad. I don't know what I'd do if she had told Mia. For now I need to have Leila begin staying with me full time so I can watch over her until we figure out what to do next.

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