Chapter 10: Study Seduction

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November 13, 2010

Christian's Pov;

I've been holed up in my study for hours working away. I barely even notice the time passing I'm so focused on my work. Leila's been off doing god only knows what all day. I can only hope she's staying out of trouble and that she hasn't been bothering the staff. She tends to get annoying when she's not receiving the maximum amount of attention possible at a given time. It's one of the only bad qualities I've noticed about her. It's often overshadowed by all the good traits. I think so highly of her, it's strange to think any differently. Although lately she's seemed different. I can't quite put my finger on what could've caused her to seem so empty. She's always been lively, happy, a bright light in my dark life. I worry about her, even though I don't like to admit that I care at all. I feel something for her, something I don't usually feel for any of my subs. I prefer to keep that part of me, the part that feels anything, buried deep down. Never to be seen by the rest of the world.

The door squeaks as it's being opened the sound is annoying. I must remember to get that fixed as soon as possible. I hear her light footsteps as she enters the room and I know at once it's Leila who's come to disturb my work. "What are you doing in here, Leila?" I ask, not taking any time for her to even get all the way in the room. She takes the few remaining steps into the room and closes the gap between us. "I just missed you." She practically purrs, her hands find their way to my shoulders and I cringe at the touch. It's not exactly in the forbidden zone, but it's too close for comfort. "Leila. You know how I feel about touching." I warn, giving her a stern look. She pouts out her lower lip and her eyes gaze down towards the floor. I think I've hurt her feelings, but it's difficult to tell. Instead of leaving as I thought she would, she hops into my lap. Her pout transforms into a sexy smirk and her eyes darken. "How about if I touch you like this?" She asks, her voice soft. She runs her hand up and down the crotch of my pants, making my dick hard instantly. "No." I swat her hand away and she backs off me at once. She tries a new strategy this time, standing, legs parted over me. "But I want to play." She whispers, then bites down on her bottom lip. I want to bite that lip...and not just to be cute as she is. I want to bite down hard enough to draw blood. I smile at her innocent expression. I know it's all a game to her. She couldn't be any further from innocent. It's good to see her in a playful mood. It's been too long. For months she was withdrawn, depressed almost. the mischievous gleam in her eye was gone. I thought I was going to have to let her go and find a new submissive. That it was too much for her to handle, that I was too much for her to handle. I thought that maybe she was too attached. I was worried she wanted or needed more. More than what I can give her.

She pulls me out of my worrisome thoughts by leaning further down, just enough to whisper in my ear. "I know you wanna play too." Her words go straight to my erection. Fuck. "Would you prefer it this way?" She turns around and bends over my desk. Her ass is just inches from my cock. The dress she's wearing today is short enough in the back that if she bends any further I'd be able to see straight up the dress. She's trying to seduce me and it's almost working, almost. "Leila. Get off my desk and get out of my study or I'm going to spank this lovely ass of yours." I reach out and stroke her backside. "Until you won't be able to sit for a week." She shudders slightly at my words, but my threat doesn't do much. She moves to stand in front of me. "Fine. Maybe I'll just go see if Taylor's around...surely he'll want to play with me." She threatens, making my blood boil. She's not going anywhere near Taylor. I grab her arm and pull her back just as she starts to leave. "Stop fucking around with me, Leila. I mean it. Now go." I release her arm and she walks out, a smug little smile on her face. She's got me wrapped around her finger and she knows it.

When I've finished up in the study I go off to search for her. If she wants to play so bad, then we will. But I can't promise it'll be pleasurable for her. I search her bedroom, but there's no sight of her. She's not in the bathroom either, or anywhere else in sight. I start to panic just a little. What if she did go find Taylor? What if she's with him now? I full on run to Taylor's room, but she's not with him. I walk into the living room and that's when I finally see her. I find her sitting in the middle of the living room, legs crossed. She looks so peaceful, so at ease. Her drawing pencils are spread at her feet and she's got her sketch pad sitting in her lap. She draws away on her sketch pad, oblivious to my presence. I take a few steps closer and peer over her shoulder to see what she's drawing. It's me. In the playroom. I'm standing over her kneeling body. I recognize the scene immediately. It was the first time I used the flogger on her in the playroom. She enjoyed it very much if I remember correctly. She had to have enjoyed it. Why else would she be drawing it out now. I'm filled with pride looking at her. She's so talented and sweet and beautiful and intelligent. The list goes on and on. I don't let her finish the sketch. Instead she drops everything and I take her to the playroom to do exactly what's in her drawing.

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