Chapter 38

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When I got home I did end up making breakfast for Phichit. Mainly because when I got back, I saw the state of the kitchen, and immediately felt bad for everybody who had to eat anything that came out of the kitchen. Not even Nikiforov would have been able to make such a mess. I laugh to myself thinking about him... he's just so adorable when he's trying to cook, and you know he means well, it just never ends well... Maybe I should make some brownies for him...

Anyways, it took such a long time to clean up the kitchen, but when the other members found out I was back, they all pitched in to help clean, and we were done cleaning in no time. Of course the fridge was empty too, so I had to go to the grocery store to get stuff to make for breakfast. I asked around to see what people wanted to eat, and for some reason most of them said pizza... pizza for breakfast? Not that I'm complaining or anything. I love pizza, and really any kind of food... but pizza in the morning? I got the ingredients, and some other stuff, and came back to make the pizza. However, once I finished, and served the pizza it was gone instantly. So of course my members locked me in the kitchen until I made them more food... this is the reason why i now coming to school 3 hours late. All my members insisted on me to stay even later, to make them lunch... what pigs, but I already missed school yesterday... and I'm not like Phichit or Seung Gil Lee who do super well at school, and don't even have to study or be at school. 

I'm walking to school with Yuko, Takeshi and Minako... the others who decided to actually take school seriously...but it's not like Minako really has a choice it's her job... her job that she still is 3 hours late for. Man she should really watch her time (haha get it watch and time) or else she might get fired. 

While we are walking I slip glances at Yuko who is talking to Takeshi...

Is it weird that my heart still beats fast? Why is that? I thought that I like Victor...wait what... I like Victor? Well it feels like I'm always on a rollar coaster when I'm around him, and I flush, and my heart beat per minuit increases, and I get all sweaty and clammy, and I am tongue-tied, and- I stop myself, and take a deep breath trying to control my thoughts... I guess I do like Victor then... then what is it that I'm feeling towards Yuko?... I'm confused. When I get into class I hardly notice Seung Gil Lee look up, and look past me as if looking for someone. I miss Chris waving to me. I miss the fact that Yurio is missing... all because I'm trying to figure out what the heck my heart is feeling...But I do notice that one person is missing. Victor.



Yuri is back!!! I could sing out loud, and dance around... except for the fact that I'm on the roof at school spying on Seung Gil Lee. 

Well, it's not that I'm spying on him exactly. I was actually here first. I stole one whole pizza the Yuri made and left for lunch, but everyone else found out, and chased me out... well actually they were fighting me... but in the end I got the pizza. I may have some cuts and bruises... cause my members really know how to give a thief a pizza their minds (supposedly read like piece of)... but I got the pizza!... by escaping to school. School is like a safe haven cause Yuri didn't want anyone at school to know that we are part of the Mafia, so no other members are allowed to enter school grounds unless they are attending the school (or teaching in Minako's case). And everybody follows this rule, cause nobody wants to face an angry Yuri. But then, I have to hide from the teachers or else they will think I'm skipping school (which I technically am doing... but I'm still in the school building so I'm not missing school). So I came to the roof to eat my pizza in peace ( A/n I'm gonna stop the puns here... before they get to far... cause I don't think I can TOP the last pun I hade (haha TOPings on pizzas)), but then I hear the door creak open, and so I hide. I expected it to be some idiot who actually tried to steal the pizza back, so I got my sleeping gas  grenade out, and put on my gas mask. I toss the grenade once the mask is securely on, and once the gas clears, I do find an idiot... a really big idiot...Seung Gil Lee...

So in a way I'm not spying on him... I guess I'm just watching him from a far finishing my pizza while wondering what I should do with his unconscious body... Ya, I guess spying doesn't really cover that... All I can think to myself is that I really should ask Ice for some of those tranquilizer bullets. I think the sleeping gas affected the taste of my pizza some how. 



Hello lovely human beans~

Sorry there isn't much action, but you just wait.( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) @mswattsquigles, still need more action?

I have a Dance show in 2 days, and feel very unprepared, but that's fine... and I defiantly failed my math test that I took yesterday, but that's how life is I guess...

Plus I stayed up very late watching BTS interviews and coolirpa.

Anyshoes, see you in 2 days with a new update!

Peace out

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