everyone bleeds//ragnar

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You smiled wickedly as you drove your blade down an unsuspecting Christian's back, his screams muffled out by the sounds of fighting surrounding you. Within seconds your sword was slashing another's throat as your heavy shield blocked the oncoming attack of another. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Ragnar cutting down man after man, his blue eyes barely visible under the coats of blood caked on top of his face.

Suddenly you felt a sharp pain in your side and you gasped, turning to strike the man down before you pulled his small dagger out from under your ribs. Without a second thought you set your shield down by your side to finger the wound, wincing as your dirty finger sunk deep into the gash. Your hands were covered in your own blood for once but you tried to shrug off the wound, spinning around and looking for your shield, which was lost. Cursing under your breath you sought out another victim as you raised your arm to slash at someone but the wound restricted your movement and your hand released your sword without command.

An enemy noticed you standing alone, weaponless, and an evil smile spread across his face as he closed the distance. With one swift motion he lunged for you, his sword barely catching your upper thigh as you twisted away from his attack.

Shocked, your froze, realizing your disadvantage. Injured and without a weapon or a shield, you did the one thing you never thought you would; you ran.

The wound in your leg slowed you down as you tried maneuvering over bodies, dead and alive, and soon your attacker tackled you to the ground. His knees dug into your back as he pummeled the back of your head into the wet ground. Your vision was blindingly white as you began to suffocate in the dirt, his metal clad fists beating your skull relentlessly.

You were losing conciseness and the pain was dulling, when suddenly the weight on your back disappeared. You instinctively covered your face as a new assailant picked you up by your shoulders, flipping you onto your back to surely strike the final blow. But the attack never came and instead you were lifted over the shoulders of a strong man, your limp body bouncing helplessly in his arms as you ran.

The noises of the battle slowly became more distant until you heard nothing but heavy breathing, twigs snapping, and a the soothing sound of a stream. You didn't even flinch as the freezing water touched your skin, instead you moaned as the dirt began to be cleaned off of your face and out of your mouth and eyes.

You were able to open your eyes at last, and you saw that Ragnar was gingerly massaging your damaged scalp as he held your head just above the water. His striking blue eyes were focused on your hair, his upper lip pulled between his teeth as he combed through your muddied knots with his fingers.

He must have felt your gaze because he stopped his task and looked at you in the eyes, the corners of his lips pulling into a small smile as he cocked his head to the side slightly, his eyes wide. "So, you are mortal afterall?"

You grinned, wincing as his rough hand grazed the stab wound near your ribcage.

"I have never seen you bleed before y/n."

"Everyone bleeds, Ragnar, even me."

He raised an eyebrow, re-situating both of your positions in the stream to where his legs were parted and your body was nestled between them, the cold water running over both of your legs.

"You scared me," he confessed.

"You saw it?" You were ashamed of your cowardice.

"I have never seen you helpless before, every time I looked at you you were in a worse position than before. I kept thinking you would regain your strength," he paused, resting his chin on your shoulder, "but you didn't."

You shrugged in response, not knowing what to say.

"But, you're ok now."

He fell silent, neither of you knew what to say next. There had always been a connection between the two of you but he was either with Lagertha or Aslaug. But now it was just the two of you, away from prying eyes and listening ears. His calloused hand rubbed your forearm gently before he pressed his lips to your temple, breathing in your scent.

His hand found your jaw and turned your head towards his, lips almost touching. "I think we should kiss."

You raised your eyebrow and ignored the pounding headache which grew worse by the second. "I think so too."

He smiled and and leaned forward, your lips engaging in a tender kiss as the victory horns sounded in the distance.


i'm so sorry this actually suCKED i havent proofread it but i feel like its taken too long to publish. please leave feedback!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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