You Are Invited....To The Blood Moon Ball.

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                                like to fight monsters.....and hate all the Princess-stuff? he said with a deep curiosity in his eyes.

-Yeah..., I mean I always tell my mom that I respect her as a Queen and all, but you know all that royal stuff bores me, I mean wouldn't you like to...well... have a explosive life, with explosive adventures and that stuff?. I said looking at him all excited.

I gotta say, the look on his face wasn't of the excitement I had imagined in my mind. Maybe I did a mistake telling a stranger about what I liked, I mean it wouldn't be a problem if it was a stranger, but he was a Prince, and I know that my mother wanted me to involve with him in a way, cause of course she doesn't bring me to riyal kingdoms to meet new people, unless its a Prince.

-....You are surely different...than I expected...for a Princess...

Well there goes my chance of impressing someone, you know its kinda sad. They say Princesses have good life's and all that, but If I had to tell you about it...well... Princesses are always royal, they don't have time to do naps or that things, all the time they have to be busy doing something, and of course every Princess dreams of love, getting married and that, and I mean I also want to get married, but not with a stranger, but with someone who I really love. As for Tom, I knew I had blew it, he was a Prince, and well of course he was expecting a sweet Princess, so I could practically say that I ....messed this up really big, and of course my mother was gonna ground me for 2 weeks probably. I was gonna fix the things with Tom, but as far as I could imagine he kinda shocked me in a way.

-.....I must show you something too..., pardon me for taking you without your one know about this...and well I think you can kinda...understand.. he said looking with a ashamed face.

I followed him, actually I wouldn't follow a Prince if he told me that, probably would be to give me roses or tell everyone that we will get married, and of course I was 13 years old but in Mewni, you could get married until you had 10 years old, yeah weird, but the royal rules are royal rules.

I was following Tom, when I saw he was taking me to his room. I didn't want to think bad about Tom, but this was exactly as the other Princes from some other kingdoms showed you that they trust you somehow, when actually all they do was make you go there, and talk about marriage and what are you willing to do when you become a Queen.

- Uhm.....listen to me Prin...I mean Tom....look you are nice but...I don't think that...I can go in there...cause...

-Please...Princess...I beg you...its not what you think...just trust me...please..

I wanted to seriously smash my head into the table, why did I wanted to trust this guy?, I know how Princes were, but maybe this was different. I said to myself, I will enter but if he does something like the other Princes do then I will be gone and no matter what my mom thinks.

-Okay...*sigh* Nobody knows about this....but the thing is....I actually like listen to.... he said with a ashamed face.

I couldn't believe what I was seeing with my eyes, of course Princess wouldn't listen to this type of music since we are royal, but I couldn't help to get all excited at seeing all the stuff Tom had, it was like a dream come true for me.

-YOU LIKE LOVE SENTENCE?!, OH MY GOD THIS IS JUST SO....I know I know I shouldn't react that way, I was supposed to act like a Princess, but I couldn't contain my joy.

-Yeah...I know its not something a Prince should be listening too...but..I actually like it a lot..., and if it makes you feel are the first person to know about this secret. He said with a sweet smile on his face.

-ARE YOU KIDDING?! YOU KNOW HOW SPECIAL THAT MAKES YOU?! I said with a huge smile on my face and I hold Tom hands because of the excitement I had. I actually didn't wanted to olds his hands, but I was so excited I could think of what may actions were doing. I saw the look on his face, he wasnt angry...neither sad..but for some reason he was blushing a little. I could notice the little blush on his cheeks, I gotta say it he looked cute though. And the fact he liked Love Sentence make it even better.

-Uhh...Im...sorry...for the sudden...uhm...I said with a embarrassed face. its okay...actually its the first know a Princess holds my hand..he said smiling at me.

-Please...Tom don't call me Princes...I said with a exhausted look on my face.

-Oh...yeah you are right...Im sorry Princess...I mean Im sorry uh...I... he said that with such embarrassment on his face.

-....Tom...dont call me Princess..., I mean If I can call you Tom, then you can call me by my name..Star. I said smiling at him sweetly.

-Oh...uhmm...I never called someone by her name...It was always Princess..thanks...Prin..I mean...Thanks Star.

-No problem Tom. I said smiling at him.

Tom and I talked for hours walking at his kingdom, to be honest I thought he was mysterious and dark, but I could see that even for a demon, he could have a nice gentile heart, that was sweet of him. Even though he was a demon he had no...anger issues on him....that was good. We walked around and around, we laughed and everything was good. I gotta say this was the first Prince I ever known that well and that actually was nice with me. Everything was great but then when were sitting down in his garden, he told me something, I gotta say I was sorta confused but curious at the same time. He holded my hand and blushed a little as he did before, and said to me...

-Look Star...I know this may sound sudden to you....but actually in 3 days there is gonna be some....well celebration in my kingdom....and well since we are friends...I would like you to come with me....don't worry as a friend..., Don't worry I understand if you don't want too....

-Sure! I will go with you Tom! I said with a sweet smile to him.

-Oh...that makes me happy....a lot... take this... He said smiling at me giving me a rose with flames.

-.....Uh why is the rose...I was starting to feel like when some Prince is making a declaration of love, if it was I would feel weird.

-No no no!, Don't get me wrong...its for you accepting to go with me to that celebration!...He said smiling with a jokingly face.

-Oh..thank you Tom!, and tell me! what is the name of that celebration that you want me to go? I said with curiosity.

-Oh, yeah its called...THE BLOOD MOON BALL.

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