A Dark Love

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I cant believe that I was actually Tom girlfriend. Sure I wanted first to keep it as a secret, cause you know since royalty and all that stuff well people would become crazy. But it wasn't a secret for very long, since Tom kinda adored the idea of us being a couple right now, he actually did everything to make people know we were dating, and believe me I founded it cute at the beginning but at some point, people were like stalking me all over in what I did, cause they didn't believe a princess as sweet as my royal family, would date a demon prince, they would understand if it was a normal prince, but a demon prince was kinda interesting to them, and sometimes I felt kinda jealous cause all the girls started to admire Tom for some strange reason, ever since we got together, he had girls that liked him, sure, but not at this level, it kinda annoyed me some what.

While I was thinking all that stuff on my head, I realized Tom came to my place to visit me. Of course guards let him pass since they knew about our relationship, of course it was a secret but since Tom was too excited about it, everyone ended up knowing it, and by everyone I also mean my parents. I would actually let pass anything but the thing that my parents knew about my relationship was kinda frustrating, my mother wanted me too have a relationship with a Prince, and this was kinda like what she wanted, just she wasn't expecting me to date someone so soon, so you can practically said my parents treat me super good just because I was now on a relationship with a demon prince, but for me I was dating an awesome friend, which also was super hot by the way, he had this dark mysterious aura that I liked but was an incredibly friend. Tom was waiting down there for me, and of course I didn't want to make him wait, so I rushed all over to where he was.

T: ....Star.....you look so beautiful as he always said,holding me from the waist to his face ,with a flirty smile.

S: ...Tom....I told you...not in front of everyone....its makes me....blush...I said with a little embarrassment on my face from the look of the guards towards us.

T: Come on....Starship...there is no problem in that at all....we are just expressing the love we feel...he said that with a flirty smile again on his face

Yes....for your answer to that question...yeah...he did call me Starship...but well it was normal since we were a couple to put cute nicknames in each other, but the bad thing is I couldn't come with a nickname for Tom, not that I didn't want to, just I wasn't very good with nicknames, and besides this was my first relationship with a guy, I don't know if Tom had other dates or girlfriends besides me but he seemed pretty confident for a first relationship with a girl, mostly a princess.

Tom took my hand and we went off away, while we were walking together, of course with people looking at us.

T: You know Star...these time that we have been going out...its amazing..., I mean you are just so different from other girls, And I love that in you...., thats why I been planing to ask you something

S: ....Uh...Oh Tom you are so sweet! I always knew that dating you wouldn't be bad cause you are my friend and....wait...a question? which one?

T: Well you see....in my family there is the tradition that if you have a girlfriend, you need to take her to meet your parents.

S: Oh sure...sure...I see...wait parents..?

T: I know...Look Star is not as bad as it may sound trust me, my parents are......normal like you and me...well except you know for the horns we have...but I swear to you they are normal! really!

S: ...I I dont know Tom...., I mean.....we have been dating for 2 weeks...don't you think meeting your parents would mean we would..you know....

T: ...Star....you can have my word that I will make clear our relationship to my parents, I swear it, you can trust me he said that with kissing my hand.

S: .....Okay ..fine...but just because you are so cute when you act like that...I said blushing and smiling at him

So it happened, yes we went to where Tom parents were, more like to Tom Kingdom. I was nervous, a lot, I knew Tom kingdom yes, but that was when I wasn't her girlfriend, so it was more normal to me. But in this occasion, I was Tom girlfriend, and I mean I didn't wanted to sound racist, but he was a DEMON Prince, not a common prince, which make things more nervous for me. What if the parents of Tom actually hated me?, or worst What if they actually loved me too much that they have the idea of me and Tom as....that..., no...no..., he was my boyfriend, there is no way things can go like that in some minutes.

While I was nervous, Tom looked at me and holded my hand, saying the next things...

T: Dont worry Starship...,Im gonna make sure you don't feel you know out of place he said winking at me and putting me close to him

While I was lost in Tom eyes, I heard some older voice coming of from the living room, yeah my worst fear, Tom parents, its was them, I didn't knew what to do, but I needed to be sure of myself, the best way to make people impressed by you is to talk about what you feel, or at least thats what my mother told me.

TM(Tom Mother): Hello Dear....you must be Tom girlfriend...she said with a big smile on her face

TF(Tom Father): He always talks about you.....we consider him lucky to have a girl like you...come on please have a sit

And thats exactly what I did, I went to have a seat, obviously next to Tom, I didn't say much at first cause I was nervous but as soon as Tom started talking I started to feel a little bit better and with more confidence to be there. Actually to be honest, Tom parents weren't as bad as I imagine, at some time I could remember myself telling them that I liked to fight monsters and all that, of course at the first time they heard me saying that they were speechless.

TM: So...you like to...fight monsters...well thats kinda new for a princess like your age...considering its kinda dangerous...

TF: It indeed is my Queen, but I think if this little girl could accept our son and his own you know ra..

Before Tom father could finish the sentence, he just got very silent and he said with a cold tone in his voice..

T: ....Im going for something to the kitchen...

And by saying that he went off there, leaving an awkward silent again, but the problem is the awkward silent was now with me and his parents. I tried to maintain the conversation but they were kinda worried for Tom, and Im not gonna lie, I was too. I tried to make the parents happy but instead they said something to me that make me go speechless and this time speechless for real.

TM: So honey..pardon our son behavior...sometimes he gets a little....

TF: ....A little incomprehensible...but we wanted to ask about you two...

S: Oh...sure! uhm me and Tom are actually going good on our relationship, I mean he is my first boyfriend and all, I know is a demon and....Oh no offense Mr, Lucitors, what I am saying is...

TM: We know, We know don't worry....we understand....besides its normal, I was nervous too at your age because of that...

S: Oh....yeah...its because you know I really consider Tom a friend, and with us being together, I don't wanna spoil anything or that...

TF: Of course of course...we know about that besides...a young girl like you must be nervous but excited also

S: Yeah...you can say that....Im really happy with Tom...

TM: I bet you are...and I bet you are more excited cause of the royal wedding you will have!

S: Yes! Of course I am......Excuse me?

TF: Yes Tom told us about everything!, he gave to you the ring at the Blood Moon Ball! That was why he invited you! he was gonna propose to you!

TM: Of course! Since you Butterflies..are also agreed on making you marry our son!

This. This was exactly what I was afraid of, Marriage. I mean im not saying I wouldn't like to marry Tom, but we were to young for that, and besides Blood Moon Ball? what was that supposed to be?, why didn't he have a ring at that moment, all he did was kiss me... .Someone was gonna have problems and it wasn't gonna be me. I said as I walked towards the kitchen.

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