The First Time

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Richard Freeman my secret crush, was at this very moment on his knees in front of me his hands out in front of him with a big smile on his face.

I looked down and smiled, here he was my hero waiting for my reply, I hesitated and slid my tongue across my bottom lip, watching him breathing heavily.

Then a sharp push in my back awoke me from my daydream, yep! Richard Freeman was still down on his knees in front of me well actually in front of the crowd, after sliding across to us on them with his arms held a loft, you see he was celebrating scoring what could be and as it turned out actually was the winning goal in the Oxfordshire​ Upper Schools​ six-a-side football knockout cup final.

And the crowd of uniform clad males and females from Woodstock Upper School were going ecstatic, leaping and jumping, shouting and whistling, celebrating what had been a long day of football culminating in this moment of pure joy.

Suddenly Richard's eye locked with mine, it seemed to me his grin widened in that moment, then oh my god he winked at me and as the blush travelled up over my face, he disappeared from view as his team mates piled on top of him crushing him face first into the grassy pitch.

Richard was a year older than me so we did not meet often only in the corridors between classes, I would stare at him all googly eyed as he would walk past with two or three of the elite females hanging off him as he regaled stories that kept them amused.

With the celebrations continuing long after the presentation of the cup and the obligatory lap of honour, in fact right into the coach to transport back home.

Luckily for me and Paula Matthews my best friend we had managed to snag the seats across from Richard and Colin Young his best mate.

While Paula and I sat and discussed everything school girls discuss, that is boy's, Paula knew I had a thing for Richard and I knew she had a thing for Colin so we chatted and giggled with our heads bent close together, eyes flicking across to the guys occasionally, well every few minutes just to see them kneeling up in their seats facing backwards to chat to the guys behind them.

As the excitement waned and home was getting closer, Paula and I were now in deep conversation about the hot guys in the groups that topped the music charts, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

Causing Paula and me to sit up ending our discussion and turn our eyes to meet the intruder, mine went wide as did my mouth it was none other than Richard, he looked directly at me as he spoke.

"Hi there, I was wondering if your friend would like to swap places with me so I can sit by the window?"

Before I even have time to process what he had said, Paula was up out of her seat and squeezing past me to get at her beloved Colin, that girl had more confidence in her little finger than I had in my whole body.

Richard chuckled as Paula settled next to Colin, before he bent down and whispered in my ear.

"Are you going to let me get in or would you rather I climbed over you"

Oh lore!

I couldn't have gone any redder​ if I tried, I scurryed out of my seat as quickly as I could, but it didn't help my embarrassment as I had to perform a limbo dance to get past him but still had to rub right up against, as he didn't seem inclined to move, just chuckle even louder.

After he had positioned himself in the window seat and I sat down next to him, I didn't know what to do or say, so I sat there fidgeting, my hands clasped in my lap rubbing my thumbs against each other.

It was then I felt a hand rest on top of mine, stilling them immediately and making my body react giving my body feelings it have never experienced before.

"Are you alright you seem a little nervous" came a calm quiet male voice.

"No.. no I'm er.. fine, thank you"

Another low chuckle from my Mr Perfect, heating me up even more.

"Well your friend seems to be enjoying herself" he said looking past me to the other side of the coach, I turned my head to follow his gaze and sure enough Paula was practically in Colin's lap as the two of them kissed and caressed each other.

I quickly averted my eyes, only to find myself staring into Richards eyes and I could see a look in his​ eyes that I had seen in many a guys, that was the look of hunger and not for food.

I inadvertently licked my lips as my eyes slid down his face to see his lips parting and heading towards mine, in that instant I knew he was going to kiss me!

I had never seriously kissed a boy before and wasn't sure whether I wanted to or not or what to do if he did kiss me, so I did what I always do in a totally alien situation for me, I froze and probably in the worse position possible as my lips parted to let out a small gasp before Richards mouth closed over mine.

His arms wrapping around my body and pulling me as close to him as was physically possible to be, me still being dumbstruck sat with my arms at my side like some sort of rag doll.

And he took full advantage of my temporary paralysis and invaded my mouth with his tongue, I had always though that it was a disgusting thing to do, but lip locked and in the arms of my crush, I freely admit I could not have been more wrong.

Slowly my brain started to function normally, well as normal as it could with a hot guy squeezing the life out of me with his tongue down my throat, then I realised that possibly my wet dreams were coming true.

As the kiss broke and we both gasped for breath, I became aware of clapping and whistling on the bus and on looking around I found everyone crowding down the aisle or peering over the backs of seats complementing us on our performance, which did little to ease my embarrassment at being caught.

And the worse thing of all was looking out the window, I notice the coach had arrived back at school and parked and there was Mrs Freeman glaring at me through the window with her arms folded across her chest.

She did not look at all pleased.

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