No Way

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The days progressed to fast and at the same time not slow enough for my liking, though the week was stressful enough as Richard and I played cat and mouse games, I would hide away and do everything in my power to avoid him, where it seemed he was doing everything in his power to spend time with me, so Thursday and the weekend couldn't come quick enough in one sense.

As I was finding myself summoned to his office for trivial things that he could easily phone or email me about or even ask other workers, but no I had to trudge up to his office, where he was always alone, put on a brave face, force a smile and bow and scrape to the god that was Mr Freeman and everytime he asked me to call him Richard and everytime I refrained.

He would lounge in his chair clothes stretched to their limits showcasing his killer body and my eyes would get drawn to it like a moth to aflame, he would smirk, I would blush because he knew I was checking him out and he would make sure I was caught off guard at every opportunity, by him not wearing his jacket, having his shirt unbuttoned, dressed in his shorts and gym gear (they were my favourite).

God what am I thinking I despise this man, he had the nerve to dump me twice and now he was toying with my emotions again and I like a fool was letting him, no more I need to put a stop to this and control my emotions.

At last Thursday came and freedom from my office stalker, but unfortunately that meant we would be together for the next three days with nowhere for me to hide.

I decided the best course of action Thursday afternoon was to stay in my office and wait till everybody had left and hope to sneak out, therefore avoiding a confrontation with my boss.

But alas that wasn't going to happen as I made my way down the stairs and just got my hand on the door. I heard a familiar male voice call my name.

"Marie, hold up I thought I'd missed you but I see you're working late again, anyway it's fortunate that I bumped into you now I can now give you a lift home, as there are a few details I need to go over with you"

Before I had the chance to formulate a reply, Richards chauffeur driven car pulled up at the kerb and the smartly dressed driver was out and opening the door in front of me, given no choice as he stood at attention waiting for me to make a move and Richard was gently pushing me from behind, I sighed and climbed in.

"So" I began trying to break the awkward silence. "What is it you want of me this weekend Mr Freeman?"

Which was clearly the wrong thing to say as his eyes darkened and narrowed and his mouth turned up in a shark like smile.

I immediately regretted my outburst as my mind processed what I had said and I could feel my blush creeping rapidly over my face.

"Well Marie let's see what comes up and deal with it when it happens, shall we?"

Then he had the cheek to wink at me and chuckle, which only caused my cooling face to heat up again.


Luckily at this point in time the car pulled up outside my parents house and I bolted out the car before the chauffeur had the chance to open his door.

Tossing a farewell over my shoulder as I speed walked through the gate and up the path towards the front door and safety.

"Bye Mr Freeman thanks for the lift see you at the station tomorrow"

"It's okay Marie I will pick you up and we can travel in together.

"Over my dead body!" I muttered under my breath.

But added loudly.

"It's okay sir I'll see you there" before charging through the front door and to safety.

I thought I was being clever by ordering a taxi earlier than I was supposed to, so that I could avoid Richard picking me up but alas my plans failed as I grabbed my suitcase and flung the door open expecting to see my waiting black taxi, instead I saw my tall dark handsome nemesis handing a bill to the driver and sending him on his way then he turned and stalk towards me as I stood transfixed on my doorstep.

"What are you doing" I asked "Why did you sent my taxi away?"

He stood directly in front of me invading my personal space and his dark eyes pierced mine.

"I told you that I would collect you and take you to the station, besides this way it saves my company money as we both travel together I won't have to reimburse you for your taxi fare"

I was stumped because I couldn't argue with that.

So begrudgingly I grabbed the handle of my case, but as soon as I took a step forward Richard snatched it out of my hand and placing his free hand on the small of my back guided me to the waiting limousine, where the driver releaved Richard of my case and swung open the back door allowing me to slide in with Richard in hot pursuit behind me.

The journey to Oxford railway station was a quiet and rather nerve racking affair at least for me, as I rested my chin in the palm of my hand and stared out the tinted windows, leaving Richard to text,answer and make business calls.

I found my mind wandering back to my two previous run ins with Richard all those years ago, why after all he had done to me breaking my heart not once but twice, did I still feel butterflies and  light-headed when I was around him, when I should be bitter and angry, why couldn't I hate him.

"Marie are you okay, we are here?"

This bought me back to the present with a jolt.

"Umm yes, fine just thinking" I spluttered out.

"Okay" he drew out definitely not believing me, but letting it go.

"Come on let's go" he chirped. "The sooner we get the meeting over with, the soon you and me can spend some time together alone" he added the last word in a low husky voice, as he climbed out the car, before turning and offering me his hand.

Heaven help me,

because I could use all the help I could get against this man.

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