Best Laid Plans

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As Richard and his driver carried our cases into the station I tried to slip in behind them and remain unseen as female eyes gravitated towards the tall commanding figures of Richard and his companion who obviously looked the part of a rich persons chauffeur.

With my head bowed down I kept glancing from left to right through the curtain of long hair and I couldn't help but notice the salacious looks that were aimed at Richard and the obvious lust and wantoness displayed on their faces, as they made no attempt to hide their attraction to this man.

All of a sudden Richards free hand shot out and grabbed me by the elbow pulling me flush against his side, he bent his head down and whisper in my ear.

"Stick close Marie I can't have you getting lost now can I?"

This caused my face to heat up beyond boiling point, I tried to pull my arm free but he just gripped it tighter as he had no intention of letting me go.

"Let go of me" I hissed " You are making a spectical of yourself" and me. Though I didn't voice the last part.

With that he released my arm, but my relief was short lived as he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers, making it more intimate than ever.

"Richard" I whined becoming more desperate. "People are looking at us, what will they think with you holding my hand, they will get the wrong idea and think we are a couple"

Richard abruptly stopped causing me to whiplash around and crash into his chest.

"They can think what they want, I don't care and as for being a couple, we are, you just don't see it yet" he growled, yes growled like an angry bear would do and before I could process what he had said, we were off again with me being towed along like a petulant child to be punished in private.

"Coffee Miss Summers and pastries, I think" his voice reverting back to his deep male voice that had such a profound effect on me.

And there we were with Richard back to his charming normal self, as we headed into the nearest coffee shop whereupon, he bought me a latte and pastry to go with it, no wonder I was confused when I was around this guy, he just kept blowing hot and cold and that had nothing to do with the weather.


After an uneventful train journey changing trains and hanging around on platforms, we eventually disembarked in Manchester and hailed a taxi.

The cab pulled up at the Lowery Hotel, I had only ever seen it in movies and pictures online and when a man opened the door, bowed slightly before offering me a white gloved hand, while welcoming me to the hotel and wishing me a pleasant stay, I couldn't help but stare and wonder if I was in the twilight zone.

Well buster I'm not staying here, only my boss, so better save it for the rich people. Was the thought that flashed through my mind.

Then everything happened at once another uniformed guy grabbed all the luggage and rushed off into the hotel, while I was thanking the door opening guy, Richard appeared in front of me making the guy back off.

"Come on love let's get in and settled before the meeting"

Love! What the hell!

And before I could explain to Richard that I wasn't staying here and most certainly not his love, plus I needed my luggage back, he was off.

Bearing down on the reception desk, hands stuffed into his trouser pockets, while I'm struggling to keep up as my laptop bag is swinging wildly from side to side making my attempts to catch up with Richard more like I was staggering drunkenly after a wild party as the weight of the bag acted like a pendulum making me swerve from left to right so as not to nose dive into the floor.

On reaching the desk Richard slapped both his hands on the counter top gaining the nervous attention of a wide eyed young female who scurried to face Richard across the desk, her fingers resting on the computer's keyboard.

"Yes sir, how may I help" she enquired as her eyes scanned Richard from head to toe and back again, causing me to role my eyes.

"Rooms for Mr Freeman and Miss Summers please"

"Certainly sir" she gulped her fingers flying over the keyboard.

Before I could say anything, the receptionist, her face screwed up in confusion and what looked like beads of sweat forming on her brow, turned to Richard.

"I'm sorry sir, but there doesn't appear to be a room booked for Miss Summers"

And before he could rant and shout at the poor women, I jumped in.

"Oh that's right I forgot to tell you they didn't have any spare rooms so I booked into a small hotel just down the road"

Before I could elaborate, Richard returned his gaze back to the receptionist.

"Not good enough" he growled. " Do you have anything at all available?"

"Let me see sir" fingers back on the keyboard. "Sorry Mr Freeman only the suite next to yours...."

"That will do" he snapped the interruption making the girl jump.

"But Mr Freeman" I groaned "Don't worry as I have already said, I have a room booked"

"Well you can cancel it now, you're staying here" then he lent down and whispered in my ear.

"Either you stay in the suite or you sleep with me in mine your choice Miss Summer and if you keep calling me Mr Freeman, I will rip your skirt and knickers off, bend you over my lap and spank you till you call me Richard"

"You wouldn't dare" I hissed "I would have you up for assault"

"So you would be willing to show your backside to the police and explain how you got the hand prints and bite marks on your arse"

Sleep with him! Hand prints and bite marks holy shit!

I should be angry and deeply offended by his degrading sexual remarks, but I felt overwhelmed and more turned on than I had been in years, the feeling of the heat building between my legs, it wasn't only my mind that was betraying me.

"If it meant getting you locked up it would be worth it" I tried to sound angry and intimidating, but I failed miserably, as my voice shook with emotion and the bastard knew, of course he did he knew me to well, he looked at me and smirked.

"Good glad to see we know where our relationship stands" then one last meaningful look into my eyes before returning his attention back to the confused receptionist.

Relationship where did that come from! There is no relationship, is there?

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