Dear Boy

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Dear Boy,

I don’t know who you


Or when we’ll meet

Or if it will be love

At first sight,

But there are a few

Little things I want

To tell you.

If you let me sing

Along with the radio,

I’ll let you sing, too,

And won’t complain-

Even if you’re tone-deaf

And just don’t know it.

You have to earn

My trust

Over time.

Trust me

And I will trust you.

Make me laugh.

Be there when I don’t feel well.

Don’t compare me to other


And I promise not to

Compare you to other



I’m a jacket thief.

If I say I’m cold,

Don’t say “Me, too.”

Just let me wear it

Or snuggle with you.

Oh, and if you see me

Wearing another guy’s jacket,

It’s because I was cold

And you just didn’t happen to be around

At the time,

But a guyfriend was.

When we first meet,

I’ll probably be shy.

I’ll stutter and blush.

A lot.

Don’t judge me

And when the time comes,

Don’t be afraid to kiss me.

I won’t slap you

Or push you away.

If I cry,

Don’t worry about if

It’s your fault.

Just be there

And hold me close

And I’ll heal.

If it was

Your fault,

I will still heal.

Know that I don’t need

Any fancy restaurant.

Let’s just picnic in the park.

No movie theaters.

Let’s just watch TV until we both fall asleep.

Don’t going buying me a dozen roses,

I’m happy with a daisy you just picked for my hair.

Please be honest with me.

Tell me if something’s not right.


Sometimes all I need is a hug.

I’ll play with your hair,

If you’ll play with mine.

Let me drive your car, too.

You don’t need to show off

In front of your friends.

I’ll love you just the same

If you miss a basket

Or two.

Or ten.

If you write me little love letters,

I’ll write back.

If I’m having a bad day,

Just shower me in smiles.

Am I asking too much?

I sure hope not.


I’m nervous.

Relationships are like cards

And, well…

I’ve never been good at cards.

I will try my best to be kind

And love you

For your imperfections.

Know that I’m the kind of girl

Who pushes people away

Just when I need them


If I try to push you away,

Don’t let me.

Hold me close

And hold me tight,

And I promise,

Everything will be better soon.

But most of all,

Do your best

And I will do my best in return.

Yours forever,

Yours for always,


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