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  • Dedicated to Jonathon "Jae" Winkler, my best friend.

He was

The one missing

Piece from my puzzle.

The one empty place in my heart.

The one book I'd

Never heard of.

The one song I'd never played.

He was the one neglected detail.

Before I found him,

I was lost in a world

Of black and white,

Blurring into shades of grey.

He is

The light in my life,

The reason for living.

He stands by my side,

Supporting me.

He gives me strength.

He gives me hope.

He is teaching me how to

Truly trust again.

He is showing me the meaning

Of love.

He is my best friend.

When he is gone

From my life,

I will cry.

I will scream my sorrow to the sky.

I will wonder why.

Then I will remember

The way it felt to be in his arms.

I will remember his laugh

And the times he was there for me,

And I will know:

He may be gone,

But I will love him forever.

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