I'm not an asshole

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This is book 2 of Inhaler Boy and it will be in Jefferson's POV! ENJOY!


"My name is Thomas Jefferson. I am 19 going on 20 I go to Jackson High School with my boyfriend, James Madison, and my best friend, Jentsie Petersen. Right now I am at the jewelry store and going to buy two rings. Two simple gold fucking rings. Nothing flashy. Just two fucking rings."

I mumbled under my breath as I walked into the mall and headed for the jewelry store. Jentsie was walking right by my side, slushy in hand. "You nervous?" She teased, nudging my arm. I rolled my eyes and shook my head.

"Why would I be nervous?" I sighed, walking up to the jewelry store and handing a form to the woman at the front desk.

I already ordered and paid for the rings but now I just had to pick them up, bring them to school, give them to James and apologize for everything I've done, and BOOM!

My life is perfect forever and nobody could possibly ruin it for me. "I'm gonna give James this promise ring and he's gonna fucking love it." Jentsie simply rolled her eyes at me. "Whatever, Tom."

"Don't call me Tom."
"Don't call me trash."
"But you are. You call yourself trash all the time anyway."
"Yeah but it's different."
"Whatever, Trash."

I took the rings and left without another word. Jentsie went back and told the woman thank you for me and I simply rolled my eyes at her politeness. This girl is gonna be the absolute death of me.

"Okay, so if you're committing to you and James being a thing then we can't keep sleeping together. You know this right?" She explains like I am a complete moron.

I joke, "Not even a little bit of that tight, wet, perfect pussy?" She punches my arm and I punch her arm back just as hard, maybe harder.

We both secretly rub our arms in pain afterwards, not really expecting it to hurt in the first place.

Okay, so I guess I need to give a little recap.

So me and James were together one night about to have sex and then he broke down crying, which is the usual for him. I'm used to it by now so I don't really complain anymore. But, he gave no explanation to why he was crying he just went right back to sex.

So I am not the one at fault here! But, Maria was giving me all this shit about how I took his virginity! But, whatever. That's fine. So, the next morning I went over to Jentsie's place.

Jentsie calls this part in the timeline "THE MOMENT I BECAME A TOTAL DOUCHE BAG AND MADE A DICK MOVE". I still remember when I showed up at her door and explained what we did and she bitch slapped me so fucking hard. So we had sex. Duh. What else would we fucking do? Then she slapped me again afterwards.

So me, Jentsie, Hamilton, and James Reynolds (I don't even remember if he was there or not he never really talks with us he just sits on his phone flirting with girls over snapchat) go out for ice cream. It was all fun and stuff but then James and his friends walk in.

I'm assuming everything is fine because he's hanging with his friends and I'm hanging with mine I mean what else is wrong here! I got my arm around Jentsie, what's the deal? But, no. Jentsie calls me a douche.

So, I'll shorten this as much as possible. Peggy talks shit and I tell her to shut up then James tell me to leave them alone.

So I talk shit and then he roasts the hell out of me and next thing I know there's cold ass fucking ice cream on my head and he's out the door with his friends. And Aaron Burr.

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